Chapter 49: Prepare to attack the base!

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 This time Mu Lichen searched Qin Zhao's soul. Although he didn't get the martial arts secrets he wanted, he unexpectedly learned who was behind his enemy Li Hongzhe, and unexpectedly obtained the inheritance in the Blood Demon Sword. Overjoyed.

 There is no way to get started with cultivation without spiritual energy.

 Before the end of the world, there was a lack of spiritual energy, and there was probably no cultivator left.

 After the end of the world, the spiritual energy increased greatly, and people with super powers appeared. There were also many ancient warriors, but there were no cultivators.

 Just because the inheritance of cultivation was lost thousands of years ago.

 Now that Mu Lichen has obtained the inheritance of a demon cultivator from the inherited spiritual treasure, he is overjoyed. What does the other disappointments mean?

 The Blood Demon Knife in Mu Lichen's hand turned into a red light and rushed into his body. When he searched with his mental power, he found that a very small Blood Demon Knife was slowly circling around his soul crystal.

 According to the inherited knowledge, after the Blood Demon Sword recognizes its owner, it can be enlarged or reduced at will or stored in the Zi Mansion.

 Although Mu Lichen didn't know exactly where the Zi Mansion was, it definitely shouldn't be in his head, and he didn't know if there would be any problems with the Blood Demon Sword appearing here.

 Is it because his soul crystal is different? Or is it because he is a zombie and his body is different from humans, so there is no such thing as Zifu?

 Mu Lichen thought for a long time but couldn't think of an accurate reason, so he had no choice but to let the Blood Demon Sword circle around his soul crystal.

 Anyway, the Blood Demon Sword has taken the initiative to recognize him as its master, and he has also obtained its inheritance. It is absolutely impossible for the Blood Demon Sword to backfire on him.

 Mu Lichen scanned the surroundings and saw that some of the corpses of those who had been killed were still in place, so he used his wind power to blow them all into the cracks in the ground and destroy the corpses.

 Even if everyone from the Qin family came here, they wouldn't be able to find any clues.

 Mu Lichen waved to Mu Ran with satisfaction: "Let's go."

 Next stop - Survivor Base in Province H!


 The survivor base in h province was the base where Mu Lichen originally wanted to take Murong Anru and others. Unfortunately...

 this base had long been determined to be destroyed by him.

 Not only was he wanted in this survivor base in his previous life, but the other reason was that he needed to get something from this base, something that could double his strength. As long as he gets something like that, even if his identity as the Zombie King is exposed, what is there to fear?

 His foundation has been established, and no one can do anything to him!

 He was reborn not to find the meaning of life, nor to change his miserable life and live a happy life.

 All he wants is revenge!

 He wants to become powerful because he needs great power to take revenge.

 In fact, Mu Lichen's enemies were not very powerful. At least his ninth-level strength was enough to destroy them.

 However, because he is the Zombie King, his enemy is the entire human race. Not only does he have to deal with his enemies, he also has to face the pursuit of all humans.

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