Chapter 104: Demon's moves!

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 Everyone followed Qin Ming's instructions, but what made everyone a little ashamed was that Qin Ming, as an attack-type fire-type superpower, stood at the center together with special-type superpowers and accepted everyone's protection.

 Originally, Qin Ming's status was extraordinary, and everyone present should protect him, but his mistake was that he should not have taken the initiative to hide in the protective circle after giving such an order.

 Although everyone understood in their hearts, this did not stop everyone from despising Qin Ming for his greed for life and fear of death.

 This is not conducive to the cooperation of the entire team, and Qin Ming is not unaware of the consequences, but after all, he cares more about his own life than the so-called face.

 Qin Ming turned a blind eye to everyone's strange looks and stood firmly in the center where the protective power was strongest.

 Mu Lichen's gaze moved away from Qin Ming without leaving a trace, scanning the expressions of the outermost defense system users and the inner attack system users, and a smile appeared on the face hidden under the black robe.

 There is nothing better than a team with such floating hearts.

 But after his eyes touched the demon wearing a silver mask, he quickly moved away.

 The devil's cultivation level was not much lower than Mu Lichen's, and his five senses were powerful. As expected, after Mu Lichen looked away, he looked here suspiciously.

 Everyone forms a circle and fully defends against the attacks of zombies and zombie rats. This is indeed the best way.

 Although offense is the best defense, it also depends on the situation. At this time, there were so many zombie rats besieging them that they seemed to be unable to kill them all. They could only defend and save their abilities while thinking about how to escape from here at the minimum cost.

 As a beast tamer and healing power user, Mu Lichen only needs to control the mutant beasts to help defend the zombie rats on the periphery. He is leisurely and well protected in the center, and from time to time he can help other injured powers. Or lose a treatment.

 His treatment was very powerful and allowed these superpowers to last longer.

 Under Mu Lichen's control, the low-level zombie rats rushed upward desperately, while the small number of high-level zombies hid behind the zombie rats and fired cold arrows.

 An Yang and Mu Lichen are on the same team, and of course he will not be cruel to the younger brothers under Mu Lichen's control.

 But An Yang has to show his abilities and gain favorability in everyone's mind. So how can he do it while killing as few zombies as possible?

 Since you can't kill zombies, let's save people.

 Anyang stood behind the defensive superpower, shooting ice arrows from his Ice and Fire God's Bow. Each arrow would definitely save a nearly injured superpower, or the freezing attribute on the arrow would slow down. The speed at which the zombie rats pounced on him from behind.

 Therefore, although An Yang rarely kills zombies, no one thinks that he is lazy in paddling. Those with powers whose lives were saved by An Yang were even more grateful to him.

 A person with superpowers who is bitten by a zombie or zombie animal with a lower level than himself will not be infected with the zombie virus. The zombie rats that rush forward to bite them here are not of a high level, and the high-level zombies that can infect them later are just Use superpowers to attack, so superpowers won't turn into zombies even if they are bitten.

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