Chapter 10: The Secret of the Jade Pendant An Yang

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  An Yang suddenly looked at Mu Lichen in disbelief. His eyes couldn't help but fall on the large, soft and comfortable double bed. He only felt that his mouth was dry... He felt deepest in his heart in the past. The extravagant hopes of life seem to be within reach... Happiness comes too suddenly.

  Mu Lichen looked at An Yang's dazed look, frowned slightly, and then urged: "Hurry up, take off your shirt!" It was autumn at this time, and winter was about to enter, but the weather was weirdly very hot, just like Saturday. The months and days are the same, so everyone wears less.

  But no matter how little you wear, long sleeves and long pants can cover your body well. Because in this apocalyptic world where zombie viruses are raging, if you are not fully clothed, you can easily be infected with the zombie virus if you scratch your skin.

  An Yang was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt. Apart from this piece of clothing, there was no other clothing underneath.

  Under Mu Lichen's urging, he hesitated for a while, but quickly took off his clothes, revealing his muscular upper body.

  Mu Lichen looked at his naked upper body and couldn't help but look away.

  It's not that he was embarrassed because he saw Anyang naked, after all, he was a straight man, and he had what Anyang had, so there was nothing to be ashamed of.

  It's just that Anyang is a superpower, and the flesh and blood of superpowers is inherently more attractive to zombies than the flesh and blood of ordinary people.

  So Mu Lichen, who hadn't eaten for several days, looked at An Yang's upper body and couldn't help but want to eat him. This was the zombie's instinctive pursuit of flesh and blood with sufficient energy.

  At this time, Grandpa Mu, who was affected by Mu Lichen's desire, started to make some restless commotion outside. Mu Lichen quickly calmed down and suppressed the restless Grandpa Mu again.

  Mu Lichen suppressed his desire for flesh and blood and slowly walked towards Anyang.

  An Yang watched Mu Lichen approach step by step, his heart beating extremely fast. He still couldn't believe this was true. Ah Chen really had feelings for him too?

  Mu Lichen walked up to Anyang, then reached out and hung something around Anyang's neck.

  An Yang, who originally thought that Mu Lichen would... felt a little disappointed, but still felt that this was normal. He was too whimsical just now.

  Anyang looked down at the thing hanging on his neck by Mu Lichen, and couldn't help but feel shocked and happy at the same time: "This... this is not... how can you give this to me?" Mu Lichen put it on An Yang's head

  . The one on top is the jade pendant he took back from Fu Yan. Although this jade pendant is not very valuable, its significance is extraordinary. Only the eldest daughter-in-law of the Mu family can wear it.

  When he and Fu Yan made an engagement, Anru gave the jade pendant to Fu Yan in front of Grandpa Mu in order to prevent Mu Lijun, an illegitimate son, from taking over the title of Mu's eldest son, indicating her attitude.

  No one in the Mu family except Murong objected at that time. Even Murong did not dare to speak because of the old man's majesty. Therefore, Mu Lijun, Murong's eldest son, was never recognized by the Mu family.

  But Mu Lichen knew that this seemingly worthless jade pendant was a good treasure.

  In her previous life, Fu Yan accidentally dropped a drop of blood on the jade pendant, unlocking the secret of the jade pendant, and that was why she was so confident in getting rid of Mu Lichen.

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