Chapter 117 - 118

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Chapter 117: Start attacking the survivor base in City B!

 After Mu Lichen and An Yang returned to their residences, they discussed follow-up plans in the space again.

 Mu Lichen said: "The Heart of Ruijin has been obtained, and your prestige in the base is also very high. You can implement the last step of the plan." The last step of the plan is for Mu Lichen to lead the zombie army to attack the city and kill those who hinder the security of the city

 . Yang is the one who controls the survivor base in B City, clearing the way for Anyang to become the top person in charge of the base.

 But An Yang was a little reluctant: "Achen, are you going to leave the Survivor Base in City B in the future?"

 Mu Lichen smiled and said, "Of course, the Survivor Base in City S and the Survivor Base in City X will also be included. It's in our hands."

 Anyang fell silent.

 He is clear about Mu Lichen's ambitions, and he can't say anything to stop him. He will do his best to complete whatever Achen wants him to do. It's just that compared to being the most powerful person in the survivor base in B City, it's far inferior to being a couple by the side of your sweetheart.

 Anyang looked at Mu Lichen pleadingly: "Achen, after I take control of the survivor base in B City, can you let Mu Ran or Yin Feng take over? I want to stay with you." Mu

 Lichen When he subconsciously wanted to refuse, An Yang held his hand and said, "I can no longer bear to be separated from you for so many days." Then Mu Lichen couldn't tell the reason for his refusal when it came to his lips


 Looking at Anyang's angular face that had always been vivid in his memory, Mu Lichen sighed: "Okay." In any case, Anyang is more

 important than controlling the survivor base in B City. He is his lover. , you must also learn to respect your lover’s opinions and ideas.

 It doesn't matter if the survivor base in B City is taken away without An Yang. At worst, it will be bulldozed with an army of zombies, but there is only one An Yang. In the end, Mu Lichen chose to compromise.

 Mu Lichen moved very quickly. On the second day after the demons retreated, before the destroyed buildings in the base were repaired, he left the base and began to summon his zombie army.

 He cannot give the survivors base in City B a chance to recuperate, otherwise the loss of his zombie army will be much more serious. Although he can bear this loss, if he still loses too many fresh troops after calculating so many things, then The years of undercover work have been in vain.

 Mu Lichen was extremely fast, and he rushed from his remote base to Yubo Mountain, his temporary base, in almost no time.

 At this time, Mount Yubo has been classified as a forbidden place of death and belongs to SSS-level missions. Few mercenary groups dare to come here to do missions.

 After such a long period of development, Mount Yubo has changed much more than it did a few years ago. There are lush zombie plants and mutant beasts living with them safely. The only thing that hasn't changed is the villa.

 As soon as Mu Lichen entered the villa, he was thrown into his arms by a cute puppy. He subconsciously hugged the little thing in his arms.

 It is Xiao Hei after shrinking. Although Xiao Hei is now an eighth-level advanced mutant beast, it is still a little bit bigger after shrinking and looks very cute.

 Xiao Hei's nanny is still He Qizheng.

 Mu Lichen looked at He Qizheng. He had not seen this mutant king of sea beasts for a long time. The few times he came to Yubo Mountain were because He Qizheng went hunting with Xiao Hei or he went to bond with the mutant beasts of the water tribe. It seems like we haven't seen each other for a year or two.

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