Chapter 141 Countdown to the end 1 [End]

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 A little bird cried happily. As it flew past a bush, a green shadow shot out quickly, entangled the bird's delicate body and pulled it down. The bird was caught by a flower. The beautiful pink flowers were swallowed up.

 After swallowing the bird, the pink petals closed into a cute bud.

 At this time, a group of people came over. When passing by the flower bud, several beautiful girls threw a few beast pills at the flower bud, and the flower bud quickly opened and swallowed the food thrown by the girls.

 One of the girls couldn't help but stare at the pink buds: "The Thousand-toothed Flower is so beautiful. If you want it to bloom, it will bloom. If you want it to bud, it will bud. I also want to raise one." "

 A tall woman next to her snorted coldly: "Don't have such wishful thinking. Thousand Tooth Flowers eat three fifth-level beast pills every day. Can you afford it? Only His Majesty the Ice King can raise it. Why don't you raise this precious thousand-toothed flower?"

 The girl was not angry even after being mocked coldly by her. Instead, she held her face in a particularly nymphomaniacal tone: "It is said that His Majesty the Ice King raised Thousand-Toothed Flower because His Majesty the Zombie King liked Thousand-Toothed Flower very much. The fragrance of the toothed flower... is really romantic?~"

 The girls stood in front of the toothed flower and chirped, while a group of boys behind them looked at them helplessly and did not dare to rush them. After all, these positions are ranked according to strength. Who knows these girls look weak and weak, but they are much more fierce than the boys.

 The stop of the team attracted the attention of people walking behind the team. A middle-aged man came up from behind and asked loudly: "What's going on? Why did you stop?" This middle-aged man

 was Mu Ran, he is now the dean of the Imperial Academy and a tenth-level spiritual power user.

 Today is the tenth anniversary of the establishment of Imperial College. Their two majesties will award graduation certificates to the ten best students graduating this year, and the awarding location will be in the palace auditorium.

 Therefore, Mu Ran attached great importance to this matter, and he personally took these ten students to the backstage of the auditorium.

 Today, the palace was rebuilt on the survivor base in City B. It covers a large area and the auditorium is large enough to accommodate the entire Imperial College students.

 Other participating audiences entered from the main entrance of the auditorium in front, but these ten students had to enter from the backstage. When Mu Ran led them to the backstage, they passed by the bushes and unexpectedly encountered the Thousand Tooth Flowers that came out to let loose.

 After seeing Thousand Tooth Flowers, Mu Ran understood why the team suddenly stopped.

 The floral fragrance of a mutated plant like the Thousand-Toothed Flower is of great benefit to zombies. In order to find a Thousand-Toothed Flower for Mu Lichen, An Yang traveled across mountains and rivers to countless places to find such one, and spent countless beast elixirs to raise it. To this big.

 Thousand-toothed flower can also be said to be the mascot of the palace, and it is extremely loved by the two majesties.

 Mu Ran's mental power carefully enveloped the Thousand-Toothed Flower, trying to trap it and send it to Mu Lichen to claim credit. However, before his mental power could reach the Thousand-Toothed Flower, the flower bulged one by one. The pink flower buds disappeared in a flash.

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