Chapter 39

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  Compared with the plants that mutated after the third solar eclipse in the last days, this mutated tree is not very powerful in terms of attack power, but its resilience is very powerful.

  All branches cut off by Mu Lichen will soon grow back again, as if growing new branches consumes no energy at all.

  Mutated plants and animals have animal elixirs, as well as inner elixirs, which are the source of energy for their powers.

  It stands to reason that the mutant plant should not have this much energy, and he can recover immediately no matter how he cuts off the branches.

  This abnormality made Mu Lichen couldn't help but suspect the little green heart that had an unknown function but had a fatal attraction to him.

  Before the third solar eclipse, this huge tree mutated.

  And it has mutated so much... The only thing that distinguishes this tree from other plants is its little green heart.

  Mu Lichen didn't want to fight against the mutant trees supported by the strange little green hearts. He just relied on his extraordinary speed to avoid being whipped and entangled by the branches, and only cut off a few branches when there was no way to escape. .

  His eyes were fixed on the place where he had torn an opening in the trunk of the tree.

  Although the place he had torn open had healed, he still remembered the place he had torn open before, and the location of the little green heart he had seen earlier.

  He suddenly stood still on the spot, and the movement suddenly turned into silence. In just a moment, those long, thick and tough branches submerged him, but he was no longer there.

  Near the tree trunk, Mu Lichen's figure suddenly appeared.

  This is the special space power - teleportation.

  Mu Lichen's teleportation ability was obtained by swallowing Mu Liyi's space elixir.

  Mu Liyi's space power was just an ordinary space power, but after Mu Lichen devoured it, for some unknown reason, it mutated and became a special space power.

  Special space power users are originally obtained from mutated space powers, and they have one of the best escape powers.

  However, Mu Lichen prefers the ordinary space ability that can store things, which can store a lot of snacks (crystal core elixir).

  Today's mutated teleportation ability gave him an unexpected surprise.

  The mutated trees seemed to have not yet reacted to Mu Lichen's sudden appearance.

  He thrust his two claws into the place where he had torn open before.

  With his full efforts, it went smoothly.

  With lightning speed, before the branches behind him attacked, Mu Lichen reached in and took out the little green heart he had coveted for a long time, and then teleported to avoid the attack of the branches behind him. and the attack by the roots of the mutated trees beneath their feet.


  Without the little green heart, this mutated tree is no longer difficult to deal with.

  A large white fireball can burn large branches and green leaves, and they will never be able to regenerate.

  It's not that Mu Lichen's fire power is too powerful, but that the mutated trees are too greedy.

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