Chapter 114 - 115 - 116

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Chapter 114: Half-man, half-animal artificial zombie!

 Mu Lichen and An Yang followed the demon until they arrived at the ancestral hall of the Qin family mansion.

 For an ancient family like the Qin family, the value of the ancestral hall is second only to the family inheritance. When this demon came to the Qin family ancestral hall, Mu Lichen also vaguely guessed that this ancestral hall was very likely to be It is one of the entrances to the Underground Research Institute.

 Why is it said to be one of the entrances? Because Cunning Rabbit still has three caves, not to mention a family like the Qin family that has been passed down for countless years. When the underground research institute was established, there must have been more than one entrance, and probably no one except the head of the Qin family knew about all the entrances. .

 Li Wenyang later gave Mu Lichen a more detailed road map for the underground research institute, because the military finally had an undercover agent sneak into the research institute.

 The entrance range drawn by the undercover on the road map is not here at all, but outside the base.

 This ancestral hall should be the entrance used by the Qin family to enter the research institute.

 Mu Lichen used his invisibility power with An Yang, followed the demon, and successfully sneaked in.

 After the demon entered the entrance of the ancestral hall, there was a brightly lit passage. The demon did not act rashly. He stood at the entrance of the passage and released a small mosquito.

 That little mosquito made no sound when it flew. It was probably a puppet mosquito that had been treated by the demon and specially used to explore paths.

 The devil only followed the route explored by the puppet mosquito, but after all, the devil was controlled by his inner demons. His instincts were stronger than his reason. He only thought about what to do when he encountered superpowers and inheritors, but never thought about what to do when he encountered high technology. .

 At the end of the passage is a door that requires iris verification, and the devil cannot enter at all.

 Mu Lichen and An Yang who were following him stood still. Just when they thought the demon would withdraw and think of another solution, the demon suddenly started attacking the door crazily. He seemed to be very excited and eager. .

 The devil must have sensed the existence of the Ruijin Heart through some special method, so his instinct was stronger than his reason, and he was eager to get the Ruijin Heart, so he ignored it.

 Just when the demon attacked the door, a piercing alarm sounded, and Mu Lichen and An Yang who were following him changed their expressions.

 not good! This idiot who succeeds more than fails!

 Almost immediately, Mu Lichen and An Yang entered the jade pendant space.

 A few years later, with the help of Mu Lichen, An Yang had a very clear grasp of the Jade Pendant space. They sat peacefully in the space, and An Yang controlled the space to play the scene outside, as if watching Like a 3D movie.

 The demon outside is still attacking the door relentlessly. Although the door is made of special metal, it is not as strong as the room built by Mu Lichen's previous life research institute to trap him. After the door was destroyed by the demon, A large number of artificial zombies were revealed behind them.

 Mu Lichen and An Yang, who saw this scene in the space, couldn't help but frown, because these artificial zombies not only included gold-type zombies like before, but also zombies of other types, and even half-human, half-animal zombies, but still Most of them are gold type zombies.

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