Chapter 87: Li Wenyang!

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 Mu Lichen didn't say anything, but just called An Yang. An Yang, who originally had a bad attitude towards Li Wenyang's, immediately became more serious, and was not at all difficult as before.

 "Mr. Li, just say it if you have anything to say. Does the military want us to surrender?"

 Li Wenyang glanced at Mu Lichen, who had a great influence on Anyang, and then nodded with a smile: "As long as you join the superpowers If you form a team, you can protect the Qin family from touching you."

 An Yang asked, "What about the Xiang family?"

 Li Wenyang said, "The Xiang family has betrayed, so naturally it is necessary to cut out the cancer of the Xiang family."

 Mu Lichen suddenly interrupted : "I wonder if you can listen to my method. This is definitely good for the military and us."

 Li Wenyang did not dare to neglect Mu Lichen: "Please speak."

 Mu Lichen said slowly: "Instead of letting us just To join the military like this, it is better to join formally after making meritorious service. After all, we don’t want to be ordinary superpowers." Li Wenyang raised his eyebrows slightly and said with interest: "Oh? How to make meritorious service?" Mu Lichen said: "


 guys Don't touch the Xiang family for the time being... The backer behind the Thunder Fire Mercenary Group is the military. We killed all the people in the Thunder Fire Mercenary Group. In order to escape the pursuit of the military, we had to seek refuge with the Qin Family..." "Compared to all

 the The Thunder Fire Mercenary Group was destroyed, so we must be more protected by the Qin family, right?"

 Li Wenyang pondered for a while, then smiled bitterly at Mu Lichen and said, "You really gave me a problem."

 This is indeed a problem.

 The method Mu Lichen mentioned is indeed very beneficial to the military, but the premise is that they must be loyal to the military.

 What if they were already members of the Qin family or defected to the Qin family halfway and played Infernal Affairs, wouldn't the military have no place to cry?

 What if they sincerely surrender?

 If it is true, it will undoubtedly be of great help to the military, especially since the military has many secret clues to know what research the Qin family is doing, but there has never been anyone who can sneak into the so-called research institute.

 If a powerful person like An Yang is allowed to be an insider, it should be easier to break into the Qin family.

 Comparing the strength of An Yang and Mu Lichen, they are ranked among the top three in the survivor base of B City, otherwise they would not cause the military and Qin family to compete for recruitment.

 The Qin family should never have imagined that the military would let such a powerful person work as an undercover agent.

 The more Li Wenyang thought about it, the more excited he became, but he did not dare to make arbitrary decisions. He had to say to An Yang and Mu Lichen: "I have to ask my superiors about this matter. I hope you two can wait patiently." The reason why he said that they should wait patiently. , they are worried that after the Qin family comes to contact them, they will regret and really join the Qin family.

 You must know that he was able to find the residence of An Yang and Mu Lichen before the Qin family because An Yang temporarily changed his residence. In terms of intelligence in this area, the Qin family cannot compare with the military that has been operating in City B for a long time. .

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