Chapter 43 - 44

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 Lingbao has a "spirit". This "spirit" refers to the aura, not the spirit of the weapon. The power of a spiritual treasure that truly produced a weapon spirit would definitely be at the level of destroying the heaven and the earth.

 For example, if Mu Lichen's Blood Demon Sword produces a sword spirit, its power will definitely be hundreds of times more powerful than it is now. Even if Mu Lichen is the Zombie King, he will only be destroyed into dregs.

 The sword spirit is so powerful, and the conditions for its creation are of course very harsh.

 First, the sword soul must be unharmed, and then the sword soul has a chance to evolve into a sword spirit.

 The first method Mu Ran mentioned before to identify the master of the Blood Demon Sword, although simple, is to forcibly refine the Blood Demon Sword, and there is basically no possibility of the soul of the sword evolving.

 For example, the jade pendant space spirit treasure that Mu Lichen gave to An Yang is absolutely impossible to produce a weapon spirit, because it has been refined by An Yang with his heart and blood.

 Secondly, let the sword spirit recognize its master willingly.

 In this way, the sword spirit will follow the master's concerted efforts to fight, and evolve towards the sword spirit step by step during the battle.

 What Mu Lichen has to do is to tirelessly leave his own spiritual imprint on the sword soul day after day, and strive to have the sword soul automatically recognize its master.


 After listening to Mu Ran's detailed explanation, Mu Lichen carried the Blood Demon Sword on his back and began to use his mental power to communicate with the soul of the sword at all times, striving to turn the Blood Demon Sword into a human being as soon as possible. become his property.

 Because he has not yet recognized his master, he cannot put the Blood Demon Sword into his body like others and can only carry it on his back in a very conspicuous way.

 But he is not afraid of being snatched away.

 It's just that there is a long knife that always glows red behind his back, which feels weird no matter how much he thinks about it.

 Mu Lichen asked Mu Ran: "Is there any way to disguise this sword?" He had not yet recognized its owner and could not make the Blood Demon Sword look ordinary.

 Mu Ran thought for a while and said, "I'll draw some talismans for you later."

 Drawing talismans?

 Mu Lichen's curiosity came out. He didn't expect Mu Ran, a Taoist priest who seemed very unreliable, to be able to draw talismans?

 After all, Mu Ran looks like a college student playing cosplay. How can he have the temperament of a Taoist priest?

 Mu Ran walked over to collect his grandfather's body, but the seemingly fine skeleton quickly turned into powder when his fingers touched one of the bones.

 Looking at the pile of human-shaped ashes on the ground, Mu Ran was stunned, and then silently found a box to put his grandfather's ashes in.

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