Chapter 124 - 125

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Chapter 124: Interrogation & Tiankeng!

 In coastal areas, where there are the most water-type mutant beasts and the most water-type superpowers, among high-level superpowers, the proportion of earth-type superpowers far exceeds that of water-type superpowers.

 Mu Lichen wouldn't believe it if there weren't any weird things among them.

 Mu Lichen stared at the ten superpowers, and began to wonder whether he should sneak into their team as a superpower to get information, or should he capture a few alive and interrogate them?

 This time Mu Lichen did not plan to use Xu Tuzhi's method anymore, because the apocalypse has begun for several years now, and the surviving high-level superpowers are all human beings, and it is not easy to let down their guard and be deceived.

 So Mu Lichen didn't intend to do any more useless work, and directly gave the order to the zombies, kill them!

 Ten people only need to leave two or three alive. It seems that the captain of this ten-person zombie team should be the eighth-level earth-type superpower with the highest strength, but the soul of this team should be the seventh-level one. She is an ice-type superpower and an iceberg beauty. From what people call her, she should be the vice-captain of the team.

 However, according to Mu Lichen's observation, this beautiful ice power user seems to be somewhat different from the eighth-level power user.

 He planned to keep these two people and a seventh-level peak earth power user, and kill all the other ordinary power user members.

 Of course, the zombies who received orders from Mu Lichen would only strictly follow his instructions.

 Mu Lichen requested that the eighth-level earth power user, the seventh-level peak earth power user, and the seventh-level advanced ice power user not be killed, so the zombies were a little timid, but these three people did not have this worry. , their strength is high, they will inevitably cause a lot of casualties to the zombie hordes.

 Mu Lichen had already planned to destroy this team of superpowers, so it didn't matter whether he exposed his identity or not. He directly captured these three people and temporarily blocked their superpowers.

 After the other seven people had been besieged to death by the zombies, Mu Lichen dug out the elixirs in their brains, and then threw their bodies out to the powerful zombies.

 This scene was all carried out openly and openly in front of the three people who were captured, making the three people frightened and turned pale.

 Mu Lichen picked up an aqua blue water elixir and looked at it under the sun. The halo was really beautiful.

 "Do you think this is beautiful?" Mu Lichen stared at the Yidan in his hand, but he asked the three people who were captured.

 However, his words almost paralyzed the three of them.

 Actually, he can actually talk!

 Mu Lichen disguised himself as a seventh-level zombie and looked just like an ordinary high-level zombie, so the three of them did not doubt his identity as a zombie.

 But as soon as Mu Lichen opened his mouth to speak, they were frightened.

 It's not like they have never seen high-level zombies that are very human-like, so they are not surprised when Mu Lichen looks almost human, but they have never heard of a zombie that can talk.

 And he said it so smoothly! Does the pronunciation need to be so standard? ! ! !

 This is no longer ordinary intelligence, okay? Are zombies really going to counterattack humans and become the masters of the world now?

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