Chapter 95 - 96

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Chapter 95: Meeting at the Blue Ocean Bar!

 In order to be caught off guard in case something unexpected happened, Mu Lichen and Anyang imagined all the possible problems in advance, and only then started to implement the plan after thinking of solutions and options.

 Unexpectedly, none of the fallback options and compensation plans were used, and the goal was accomplished smoothly, so smoothly that it seemed unreal.

 Anyang touched his chin, pondered for a while, and said seriously: "Maybe their IQs are too low." Mu Lichen couldn't help laughing, and hit Anyang on the shoulder, "What are you driving

 ? Are you kidding?"

 In fact, the reason why this went so well is nothing more than human greed.

 It can be said that Mu Lichen's series of plans were designed by taking advantage of the weaknesses of human nature.

 The temptations he offered to the military and the Qin family were something they could not refuse. Even if they thought it might be a scam, their interests and greed forced them to take the gamble.

 So the biggest winner was destined to be him, Mu Lichen.

 Even if this plan failed, he had enough escape routes.

 At worst, he would be cruel and gather all the zombies, zombie animals and plants around the survivor base in City B to attack the survivor base in City B.

 Although the losses may be great, the base will definitely be breached, and the Qin family and the underground research institute will definitely be destroyed.

 It's just that Mu Lichen is not willing to use this method of killing one thousand enemies at the expense of eight hundred.

 After all, zombies cannot reproduce like humans. One less person dies. Even if humans are infected and become new zombies, they are not as good as those evolved zombies after a solar eclipse.

 Several other large bases are still eyeing it, and he doesn't want to waste all his strength on the survivor base in City B.

 Mu Lichen has never been too troublesome to achieve the same goal at the lowest cost.

 That's why he worked so hard to plan for human infighting.

 Back at Songtaoyuan, Mu Lichen and An Yang still entered the jade pendant space this time.

 After entering the space, Mu Lichen took out the recorder from his trouser pocket and pressed the play button, and then the words of their conversation with the Qin family rang out.

 The quality of this recorder is very good. Once you listen to the recorded sound, you can tell whose voice it is, and the timbre has not changed much.

 Mu Lichen said: "When the time comes, give this recorder to Li Wenyang. Although he said he believes in us, we still have to make a gesture to make the military truly believe in us." An Yang also agreed: "

 Indeed , if the military has doubts about us and does not trust us, then our plan will be very difficult."

 If we want to provoke internal fighting between the military and the Qin family to consume the strength of the Qin family, we must get the military and Qin family Trust between both parties.

 Among them, the trust of the military, which knows that they are doing Infernal Affairs, is the hardest to gain.

 However, Mu Lichen also had concerns: "It would be easier to gain the military's trust by handing this recorder to the military, but I'm worried..."

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