Chapter 20: Recruiting a subordinate: Zombie Girl

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  Mu Lichen and An Yang also got on the bus, and everyone arranged their seats in a tacit understanding as before.

  With Mu Lichen, the zombie king, as his escort, the car basically encountered no zombies. However, during the journey, Mu Lichen often took An Yang out with him when he stopped to rest or collect supplies.

  When Mu Lichen saw a large supermarket appearing in his sight, he stopped the car and got out of the car with An Yang.

  Everyone else sat in the car honestly and didn't have any objections.

  The first time, they thought Mu Lichen was leaving with Grandpa An Yangmu and wanted to get rid of their baggage without powers, so they made a big fuss.

  After being ruthlessly suppressed by Mu Lichen, she could only watch helplessly as he and Grandpa An Yangmu left. But later when they saw the people coming back, they realized that Mu Lichen had taken the people to collect supplies, rather than leaving them behind.

  From then on, when Mu Lichen took people away again, they were no longer so worried.

  They just learned that Mu Lichen and Anyang were going to collect supplies, and no one said they wanted to go with them. Anyway, they only needed to wait in a safe car for Mu Lichen and Anyang to bring back a lot of food and water. . They don't want to face those disgusting zombies!

  They never seemed to have thought about what they would do if they didn't have Mu Lichen's protection and didn't even dare to face zombies. Perhaps, they never thought that Mu Lichen would abandon them...

  An Yang was on guard and followed Mu Lichen to the supermarket: "Achen, are we too spoiled to them?" The

  Mu family Those people, Fu Yan Liuxu and others only rely on him and Ah Chen to support themselves and do nothing.

  He doesn't know how to fight zombies or find supplies, and even when he encounters danger, he just screams and becomes weak in fear.

  Such people can only become a drag!

  Mu Lichen sneered and said, "What if they don't want to come with us?"

  An Yang fell silent, not knowing how to refute.

  Indeed, every time he asked Mu Liyi to follow him to fight zombies, Anru cried and begged not to let him go, while the others... Murong's left hand had been destroyed by Mu Lichen, Mu Qingluan Liuxu, and Anru Fu Yan was a weak woman...

  Although he knew Mu Lichen's words were right, An Yang felt vaguely that Mu Lichen was doting on them like this on purpose.

  An Yang looked at the mocking sneer on Mu Lichen's face and threw all the thoughts in his mind away.

  Forget it, he can't control that much anymore. If those people become a drag when he encounters danger, he will just run away with one person, Ah Chen!

  Mu Lichen didn't know what An Yang was thinking. His attention was now focused on the big supermarket.

  He felt that there seemed to be a lot of people in the supermarket, all of whom were 'acquaintances', and there was also a pretty capable guy in the supermarket.

  Mu Lichen whispered to An Yang: "Be careful when you go in."

  Although he didn't care about the guy inside, those 'acquaintances' were not kind people.

  Seeing Mu Lichen's solemn warning, An Yang also raised his guard: "I know." Stepping into

  the supermarket, An Yang discovered something unusual about this supermarket. Logically speaking, more than half a month has passed since the end of the world. Even the relatively remote small shops have been robbed, let alone such a large supermarket with rich supplies.

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