Chapter 99 - 100

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Chapter 99: A little taste of ╭(╯3╰)╮!

 Mu Lichen's feelings for An Yang were very complicated and definitely not as pure as An Yang's feelings for him.

 Before the end of the world, he had always regarded Anyang as his brother. After all, he thought he was Anru's biological son at the time, so he played well with Anyang, his blood-related cousin.

 When the apocalypse broke out in his previous life, his feelings towards An Yang changed after he learned that An Yang had killed his grandfather with his own hands.

 Perhaps because I attach too much importance to it, I am even more disappointed.

 He did not ask Anyang to raise his grandfather alive, but his lowest expectation for Anyang was that he could release his grandfather.

 Even if grandpa is allowed to roam around like ordinary zombies, he may be killed by someone, but it would be better than being killed by Anyang himself.

 Anyang told him that he killed his grandfather because he had mutated into a zombie.

 Because he is a zombie, he should die, right?

 What about him? He is also a zombie. Will he die in the hands of his good brother one day?

 Therefore, after Mu Lichen learned that his grandfather died at the hands of Anyang, their relationship became cold, even worse than a stranger.

 Then Mu Lichen was betrayed and betrayed. When he was filled with pain and resentment in the institute, someone came to save him regardless of his life.

 Even if this person once made him feel resentful...

 At that moment of despair, Mu Lichen didn't care whether An Yang had ever done anything sorry for him.

 He only knew that the person who could come to save him at this time, or even die for him, must be worthy of his full trust. He even made excuses for Anyang's previous behavior - Anyang must have some difficulties. I had to take action against Grandpa.

 No one knows how Mu Lichen felt when he saw An Yang coming to save him covered in blood while he was lying on the autopsy table covered in blood.

 It was as if a person in the endless dark hell saw the only light, and that light tried to pull him out of the darkness... Even if the light not only failed, but was buried in hell with him, The gratitude in his heart could not be erased.

 That moment was unforgettable.

 To this day, Mu Lichen still remembers the way An Yang looked at him temporarily, with deep nostalgia and unwillingness...

 But in this life, An Yang, although at the beginning of the end of the world, was soft-hearted and immature, which made Mu Lichen a little bit disappointment.

 But after nearly two years of training in the apocalypse, An Yang seems to have overlapped with the An Yang from his previous life.

 Mu Lichen was sure that he didn't have the same excitement for An Yang as he did for his first love when he was young, nor did they play like brothers before the end of the world... But he could, when An Yang's life was in danger, Rush forward without hesitation.

 Anyang may not be his lover or his relative, but he must be the most important person in his heart.


 After Anyang received Mu Lichen's confirmed answer, he was so happy that he wanted to set off fireworks to celebrate and then tell the world.

 Mu Lichen looked at An Yang who was smiling like a fool, and a true and heartfelt smile appeared in his eyes involuntarily.

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