Chapter 138: Entering the survivor base in City X!

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 An Yang put his hand on Mu Lichen's shoulder and persuaded him: "They are talking what they say but they don't mean it. Ah Chen, please don't argue with them." Xu Yiyan naturally heard the sarcasm implicit in An Yang's tone, and he also knew Anyang deliberately delayed Mu Lichen's move before telling him to stop, but he didn't care about that anymore. He only wanted Anyang to be willing to persuade this evil star to stop. Before, he didn't pay much attention to Mu Lichen, who had been following An Yang and seemed mysterious, thinking that he was just an eighth-level superpower and nothing, but reality slapped him hard.

 This guy is also a pig-eating tiger, an eighth-level superpower? Which eighth-level superpower can freeze an eighth-level advanced fire superpower into a popsicle so easily?

 No wonder An Yang dared to leave the survivor base in City B with only this one guard... A powerful ninth-level superpower is indeed more useful than a large number of eighth-level superpowers.

 If An Yang had murderous intentions and let the mysterious guard next to him attack them, they might not be able to escape alive.

 Xu Yiyan is a person who is very aware of current affairs. He judged that the current situation was not good for him, so he immediately lowered his body and apologized to An Yang: "Mr. An, it is my subordinates who are ignorant and offended you.

 " Xu Yiyan apologized in a humble tone, and An Yang smiled and said that it was just a misunderstanding and there was no need to be so solemn. But in fact, he became more vigilant in his heart. An arrogant person like Xu Yiyan actually bowed his head when he said he would. He couldn't even see Xu Yiyan's slightest reluctance or reluctance. This was very scary.

 Mu Lichen saw that Xu Yiyan apologized to Anyang, and when he was satisfied, he said to him: "You can save him by burning the ice with fire, but you have to burn the ice before the sun sets, otherwise the gods will not be able to save him."

 Xu Yiyan was stunned for a moment. After he came to his senses, he immediately said to the other uninjured fire power users: "Quick, let's melt the ice together and rescue the people."

 This time when he left the survivor base in City It is easy for fire-type superpower users to advance in the City Survivor Base, but it is not so easy for eighth-level superpower users to successfully advance.

 Xu Yiyan gave the order, and those superpowers who thought that the people who were frozen into popsicles were doomed quickly used their fire powers to burn the ice, and the white-gold tongue of fire licked the icy blue ice. .

 The temperature of the flames was extremely high, but Mu Lichen's ice power was higher than theirs, and the ice melted very slowly. The ice melted only when the surrounding snow was melted by the temperature of the flames. A shallow layer.

 Xu Yiyan saw that the progress was too slow, and the sun was almost setting. As a last resort, he asked those injured fire-type superpowers to help burn the ice as long as they were injured enough that they could not fire a fireball.

 When the afterglow of the sun finally disappeared on the horizon, only a few ice edges remained on the frozen superpower.

 The healing superpower uses superpowers on the comatose superpower to speed up his awakening.

 At this time, for the sake of this one who is looking for death, the other superpowers are sweating profusely from working in this cold weather that makes their bones freeze.

 Of course, the exhausted superpowers would have some complaints in their hearts, but they did not dare to express their resentment against the powerful Mu Lichen, nor did they dare to complain against their immediate boss, Xu Yiyan. They could only blame the unlucky Mu Lichen. Li Chen's frozen fire power user.

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