Chapter 103: Set off for Mount Yubo!

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 Early the next morning, Mu Lichen and An Yang went to the entrance of the base.

 When they arrived, dozens of people were already waiting there, including Qin Ming.

 Qin Ming smiled and nodded at Anyang and Mu Lichen, saying hello: "Have you had breakfast?" Ever since An Yang knew that Mu Lichen felt uncomfortable eating

 human food, he would never let him eat human food again. of food.

 Therefore, although An Yang had not had breakfast this morning, he was not willing to let Mu Lichen suffer with him, so he nodded and said, "Thank you for your concern, young master. We have already eaten." Qin Ming smiled and stopped talking


 Mu Lichen and An Yang also found a place to stand, waiting for those who came from behind with the Qin family's superpowers.

 While waiting, An Yang chatted with the superpowers from the Qin family's superpower team and became a little familiar with each other.

 I don’t know if Qin Ming is too ignorant of the world, or if he doesn’t take them seriously and doesn’t introduce the Qin family’s superpowers to them.

 Anyang had no choice but to take the initiative to establish a good relationship with the Qin family's superpowers.

 The superpowers of the Qin family have also heard about An Yang's reputation. Seeing that An Yang was invited by the eldest young master of the Qin family to participate in such group activities, they knew that he must be highly valued by the senior officials. Facing the olive branch offered by An Yang, they accepted it.

 No matter what I think in my heart, I still look pretty good.

 Anyang also learned something about the situation of the Qin family's superpowers, and both parties were happy.

 Until someone brought the topic to Mu Lichen: "An Yang, this is your brother? Why doesn't he say anything? He's still covered up so tightly, what's so shameful about him?" This seemed to be out of curiosity,

 but That tone could not hide the probing and malicious intent in it.

 Anyang looked sharply at the person who spoke. He was a relatively powerful fifth-level advanced ice power user in the team.

 He wasn't very enthusiastic about Anyang before, and now he brought the topic to Mu Lichen just to make Anyang unhappy, probably because he and Anyang were both ice power users, but received different treatment.

 After all, it is obvious to everyone that Qin Ming attaches great importance to An Yang and Mu Lichen. They were invited and received extra rewards. As for these people, they are the Qin family's superpower team and are under the jurisdiction of the Qin family. This event is a matter of responsibility and they must participate. They are far less free and valued than An Yang and others.

 Since An Yang and Mu Lichen were valued by the senior officials of the Qin family, there were people who came to curry favor with them. Naturally, there were also jealous villains who wanted to find trouble.

 Mu Lichen always adopts the simplest and crudest way to deal with people who are looking for trouble like this - intimidation!

 Mu Lichen used the sixth-level mental coercion to envelope the fifth-level advanced ice power user, which even contained the threat of blood evil energy.

 The fifth-level high-level ice superpower user felt as if he was in Shura Hell. Even his breathing was filled with bloody air. The broken limbs and flesh everywhere made his face pale and his arms and legs warped. war.

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