Chapter 78: Entering the Survivor Base in City B!

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 Most of the survivors of the Luoyun Mercenary Group were impressed by An Yang.

 They didn't know that Mu Lichen and An Yang jointly planned all this, so they followed Mu Lichen's idea and unanimously approved An Yang as the leader of the Luoyun mercenary group.

 Anyang deliberately evaded: "After all, I am just an outsider, and I have not been with you for a long time. Isn't it appropriate for me to be the group leader?" Zhang Dayou, as the representative of the group members, came forward to persuade Anyang: "You save Luo Luo?

 " The Yun Mercenary Group is in crisis, but it is still a good friend of Captain Xiao Luo. It is also very powerful and fully qualified to be our leader." An Yang pondered for a while and said: "Okay then,

 I will temporarily act as the leader . If there is anything wrong with me, you don’t have to give me face, just say it.” Of course,

 this temporary remark was just a polite remark, and no one would take it seriously.

 An Yang has officially incorporated the Luoyun Mercenary Group, and the next step is to break into the survivor base in City B.

 The first thing An Yang did after becoming the leader was to change his name.

 The name of the Luoyun Mercenary Group comes from the names of Xiao Luo and Xiao Yun brother and sister. If the name is not changed, it is inevitable that when someone mentions the name of the mercenary group, they will think of the former leader Xiao Luo and the healing alien. The capable one is Xiao Yun.

 It's okay at ordinary times, but once there is any crisis in the mercenary group, this name will easily make the old members miss Xiao Luo and Xiao Yun brothers and sisters, causing instability in people's hearts and not conducive to his control of the mercenary group.

 After all, An Yang was the new leader and was very powerful, so no one objected to the first thing he proposed.

 After all, it's just a name change. The Xiao family brothers and sisters are already dead anyway, so it doesn't matter if they change their names.

 But what should I change the name to?

 The members started a discussion, but in the end they looked at An Yang. They could give their opinions on the name of the mercenary group, but it was An Yang, the group leader, who made the decision.

 An Yang said: "Let's call it the Star Mercenary Group."

 Someone asked: "Does this name mean anything?"

 An Yang smiled and said vaguely: "It's just to commemorate someone."

 He didn't say who he was commemorating, but almost everyone could tell who he was commemorating, and everyone made fun of the newly appointed young leader.

 "Captain, who are you commemorating?"

 "You still have to ask? It must be commemorating your sweetheart! I remember how there is a love saying, you are as dazzling as a star in my heart..." "Nonsense, it must be...

 " Because the captain's sweetheart's name contains the word "star"."

 "Captain, what's the name of your sweetheart?"


 An Yang let them guess and didn't argue, but he was in a great mood.

 He likes this feeling. He likes others to mention him and Ah Chen together in an ambiguous tone.

 Even though these people didn't know who Ah Chen was, this feeling made him feel that Ah Chen belonged to him and was labeled by him.

 Although his reason told him that he was dreaming, his emotions told him that there was no harm in indulging in it for a while longer.

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