Chapter 70: Ice and Fire Divine Bow!

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 Mu Lichen didn't know what this milky white bead was and what other specific effects it had. But he knew that this milky white bead was definitely not simple.

 The two functions he knows are already amazing.

 The first function is to purify zombie viruses.

 He discovered it when he entered space for the first time.

 He doesn't know exactly what the second function is, he can only say that he knows a little bit about it.

 It was when his inner demon took over his body and mind that he went on a killing spree, thanks to this mysterious milky-white bead, he regained his sanity and eliminated the inner demon. Otherwise, he might still be a clueless zombie who only knows how to kill and has no sanity.

 Destroying inner demons...what a powerful method.

 Tens of thousands of years ago, in that splendid era of cultivation, geniuses emerged in large numbers, but how many amazing and talented masters died from inner demons?

 This shows how terrifying this inner demon is.

 This milky-white bead that can destroy inner demons, if it were in that glorious era of cultivation, would have been a treasure that countless masters would have robbed.

 But for some reason it fell into the spring in the jade pendant space, and luckily it was caught by Mu Lichen.

 Mu Lichen was thinking about the origin of this mysterious bead and whether he should enter An Yang's jade pendant space again. At this time, An Yang had already begun to study the flaming divine bow.

 Anyang found an open space in the space and sat down. On the open space in front of him were two large longbows.

 The one on the left is ice blue, with beautiful and mysterious patterns on the bow, and ice blue light flowing around it. It is very beautiful and dazzling, and you can tell at a glance that it is not an ordinary thing.

 The one on the right is a dark color. If you look closely at the bow, you can see that the dark lines are exactly the same as the patterns on the ice blue longbow on the left.

 Putting these two longbows together, they are exactly the same in terms of pattern, shape and size.

 It's just that their colors and lights are so different. The bow on the left looks like a gorgeous collectible, while the one on the right is a street vendor.

 Anyang picked up the Flame Divine Bow, which had become ordinary since losing its last owner.

 As soon as he got it in his hands, he felt a strong sense of calling.

 Anyang looked at the unattractive Flame Divine Bow in his hand in surprise. This sense of summons... seemed to mean that he wanted to recognize him as his master?

 He looked at the patterns, shapes and sizes of the two divine bows, gritted his teeth, and decided to fight - to claim the master!


 Anyang is different from Xiang Yang who is attached to the Qin family. Unlike Xiang Yang, he does not know many secrets and knows what the two-pole inherited spiritual treasure is.

 He is alone in his family. Although he has some connections, he is not as deep as the Qin family.

 Although An Yang accepted the inheritance from the Frost Divine Bow, the two-pole inheritance spirit treasures have a particularly deceiving characteristic, that is, the inheritors who only get half of the inheritance spirit treasures do not know that there is the other half of the inheritance spirit treasures.

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