Chapter 11: Silver Chain

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  Mu Lichen heard Mu Liyi's shout and said to An Yang: "Put on your clothes and get out quickly."

      Anyang didn't care to talk to Mu Lichen about space at this time. , quickly put on the shirt he just took off.

  Mu Liyi, who was waiting outside the door but received no response, still had a smile on his face, but his eyes had completely darkened.

  What on earth were two people doing after spending so long in the same bedroom?

  Although Mu Liyi is not old, he sees things very clearly, especially things related to An Yang.

  An Yang likes Mu Lichen!

  He knew it all along.

  When he was a child, he liked to follow An Yang around like a little tail, but An Yang could only see Mu Lichen in his eyes.

  At that time, Mu Liyi was extremely disgusted with Mu Lichen, his brother who always suppressed him and stole Anyang's attention.

  So after seeing the envy in Mu Lichen's eyes when he acted coquettishly in his mother's arms, Mu Liyi often expressed the intimacy between him and his mother in front of this brother. Every time he saw the loss and gloom in Mu Lichen's eyes At that time, he felt a strange sense of joy in his heart.

  Since you took away my brother Ayang, then I will take away what you want most!

  Therefore, under his instigation intentionally or unintentionally, Anru's feelings for Mu Lichen, a son who had not been raised by her since childhood, became weaker and weaker, until in the end she only had Mu Liyi in her eyes and heart.

  But Mu Liyi was not happy at all, because as Mu Lichen became more and more outstanding, An Yang's eyes almost never left his brother.

  The sweetheart he was following all the time was looking at another person. This feeling of not getting what he wanted almost made him collapse.

  Mu Liyi knew that he was several years younger than his brother, and that he, who had always been pampered and protected by his mother, could not compete for the family property with his brother, who had been receiving education as an heir from his grandfather.

  So when Mu Liyi knew that Mu Lichen longed for family affection and valued family members the most, he showed great dependence on this brother, even though he extremely hated this brother who blocked his way.

  Only by being favored by Mu Lichen, the heir, can he have a higher status in the Mu family. He sees this very clearly, so he has always played the role of a well-behaved, cute and slightly rebellious good brother in front of Mu Lichen.

  After Mu Liyi received Mu Lichen's sincere favor, he also had more opportunities to get in touch with An Yang.

 The more you are exposed to it, the clearer you see it.

  What makes Mu Liyi happy is that Mu Lichen is a straight man. He has never thought that men can fall in love with each other in this world.

  So under his deliberate creation of opportunities, Mu Lichen quickly fell in love with Fu Yan, the eldest daughter of the Fu family, and the two even got engaged.

  Mu Liyi thought that if the apocalypse hadn't suddenly come, his brother would have married Fu Yan and had children, and he might have been in love with brother A Yang for a long time, and finally got together... What a happy ending!

  But the trick of fate is, why did the end of the world suddenly come?

  And why did his brother, who should have died in the hospital, come back alive? He also turned into a powerful superpower, and he even seemed to have some enlightenment!

  The more I thought about Mu Liyi, the more I hated him. Why did he come back alive? Why didn't he die in the hospital?

  Mu Liyi thought of the powerful ability that Mu Lichen had shown before, and couldn't help but feel envious, jealous and fearful. He couldn't help but think in his heart, if such a powerful ability belonged to him


  When Mu Lichen opened the door, he happened to see Mu Liyi's face, which had not yet had time to withdraw its sullen expression. He half-opened the door and looked at his scheming brother indifferently.

  Mu Liyi was startled by Mu Lichen's 'surprise attack'. When he came back to his senses, his usual smile was already on his face. He was friendly and naughty with a little bit of unruly, which is suitable for middle school students of this age group. The smile of the second boy.

  "Brother, what are you talking about to Brother Ayang? You closed the door so mysteriously, aren't you hungry?" There was a natural and friendly complaint in his tone, just like he was still the same Mu. He was like a coquettish child in Li Chen's arms.

  Mu Liyi stretched his neck and looked into the bedroom: "Where's Brother Ayang?"

  Mu Lichen subconsciously moved his body, blocking Mu Liyi's view.

  Mu Liyi smiled and murmured a few words in a low voice before retracting his movements, but what Mu Lichen didn't see was the flash of haze in his eyes.

  At this time Anyang also got dressed and came out.

  Mu Liyi looked at Anyang, the smile on his face was really bright: "Brother Ayang!" Anyang looked at Mu Lichen first, and then turned his eyes to him when he heard Mu Liyi's voice of greeting.

  Anyang nodded to him lightly: "Ayi!"

  Then he turned to talk to Mu Lichen.

  The smile on Mu Liyi's face faded and he barely maintained it. When he was thinking about their conversation, he suddenly stared closely at An Yang's collar.

  In such a hot weather, although few people wore short-sleeved shirts, the top button of An Yang's shirt near the neck was unbuttoned, so Mu Liyi could clearly see that Anyang wearing a silver chain.

  The material, color and style were clearly the silver chain on the jade pendant that Mu Lichen got back from Fu Yan!

  Mu Lichen took the jade pendant that only Mu's parents-in-law could wear from Fu Yan and gave it to An Yang?

  Mu Liyi felt that he seemed to have difficulty breathing, and his heart ached.

  He only heard his own dry voice: "Brother, the silver chain A Yang is wearing around his neck looks so familiar. It looks like the silver chain on sister-in-law's jade pendant!" Then he saw An Yang buttoning up his collar in a panic.

  Mu Lichen glanced at it lightly and said to An Yang: "Do it like what I did just now every day!"

  For a treasure like this, only by nourishing it with your heart's blood several times can it become one with its host.

  Once the jade pendant is completely integrated into Anyang's body, no one can take away his space.

  Although An Yang didn't know the reason, he believed what Mu Lichen said and would complete it without any compromise.

  When Mu Liyi saw that no one answered his questions directly, he couldn't bear the rage in his heart. He grabbed Mu Lichen's sleeves who were about to leave, and said angrily in a low voice: "Brother, you are talking! You are Didn't you give that to Brother Ayang?"

  Mu Lichen was pulled by his sleeves, a flash of red light flashed in his eyes, he stared at Mu Liyi coldly, and said coldly: "What does that have to do with you?


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