Chapter 21: Thunder Power User

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  Faced with An Yang's inquiry, Mu Lichen just said lightly: "I have my own plan!"

  Sure enough, upon hearing this, An Yang stopped questioning.

  Mu Lichen looked at the stairs of the supermarket. The elevator had stopped rolling: "A Yang, there is someone above. Let's go and have a look!" An Yang obeyed

  Mu Lichen's words unconditionally and walked in front of him. Make a way for him.

  Although Mu Lichen knew that since there was a second-level supernatural zombie here, there would never be a second zombie here, but seeing An Yang's serious look as he looked around vigilantly to clear a way for him, Mu Lichen didn't know Why, swallowed back the explanation that came to his lips.

  It feels good to be cared about like this...

  When I went up to the second floor, I felt very quiet.

  The second floor is not like the first floor where food is sold, but mostly daily necessities.

  Mu Lichen's mental power had already detected the location of the group of people, so he took An Yang and walked directly there.

  But what shocked Mu Lichen was that they were discovered when they got closer.

  "Who is there?"

  Mu Lichen frowned and used his mental power to detect the person who found them. He turned out to be a mental power user, but his mental power didn't seem to be to detect or create illusions. It should be something like Intuition within the sixth sense.

  He intuitively felt that there was someone here. That's why I discovered them.

  Mu Lichen suddenly extended his mental power to Grandpa Mu, then took Grandpa Mu and hid under the shelf aside, waving to An Yang.

  Anyang immediately understood what Mu Lichen meant and walked out openly.

  After Zhang Ruibo heard the shouts of his intuitive superpowers, he kept looking over there with vigilance. A ball of fire condensed in his hand, and the blazing high temperature made the air slightly distorted.

  Anyang also sensitively felt the fluctuations of the fire power, mobilized the power in his body, and walked out vigilantly. After seeing a group of soldiers in military uniforms and the fireball in the hands of the leader Zhang Ruibo, his pupils shrank.

  He spread his hands towards Zhang Ruibo, put on a gentle smile, and said, "I'm just here to look for supplies, and I don't have any ill intentions." Zhang Ruibo also felt the pressure coming from An Yang that made him afraid, and saw that he didn't ask for anything

  . He planned to take action and was alone, so he removed the fireball in his hand and showed a smile: "Young man is alone?" When An Yang was about to answer, Mu Lichen suddenly shouted: "A Yang,

  you What are you doing?"

  An Yang, who originally planned to say that he was alone, responded loudly after hearing Mu Lichen's shout, and then smiled at Zhang Ruibo: "My companion is calling me, goodbye everyone!"

  An Yang seemed like a passerby who accidentally walked in looking for supplies and turned around to leave.

  But Zhang Ruibo stopped him: "If you want, you can call your companions to come with us. Then you can go with us to the H Province Survivor Base." When he said this, he was a little condescending. tone.

  In Zhang Ruibo's mind, the dozen or so of them were all soldiers with weapons, and there were also several people with powers. When these ordinary survivors heard that they were willing to take people, they must have cried and begged to come up.

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