Chapter 25 - 26 - 27

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Chapter 25: The Second Solar Eclipse

  Mu Lichen followed Zhang Ruibo and others for more than half a month. During this period, Murong Anru and others had already abandoned his protective umbrella and gone to Zhang Ruibo.

  But Mu Lichen didn't care much, he was still looking for opportunities.

  These days, he has not found a perfect opportunity to kill Li Wenang and get his Yidan.

  However, Song Yi's Yidan was relatively easy to obtain, but in order not to alert the snake, he still did not touch him.

  On this day, An Yang was driving the car and Mu Lichen was sitting in the passenger seat. Although he seemed to be concentrating with his eyes closed, his mental power was firmly locked on Li Wenang and Song Yi.

  At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

  The sky that was bright and sunny just now suddenly turned dark.

  "Solar eclipse! It's a solar eclipse! The solar eclipse is coming again!" A

  panicked voice sounded, and Mu Lichen slowly opened his eyes.

  The lights were turned on in front of the car, and the road ahead was illuminated, but everyone felt like there was a big stone weighing on their hearts. They didn't know if their road ahead was bright.

  Mu Lichen felt a surge of power pouring into his body, making him so comfortable that he almost groaned.

  Although he didn't know why the solar eclipse that only appeared in the third month after the end of the world in his previous life appeared now, it was undoubtedly a good thing for him.

  The voice of Zhang Ruibo who was sitting in another military vehicle came over: "Everyone get off the car and hide in the building behind!" Mu Lichen, who was immersed in the power brought by the solar eclipse,

  looked towards Zhang Ruibo, Although he appeared calm, some people were still worried.

  Mu Lichen had heard the uneasy whispers of ordinary people and people with powers.

  "Last time, humans turned into zombies because of a solar eclipse, and this time there is another solar eclipse." "

  Yeah, I don't know what bad things will happen."

  "Can ordinary people turn into zombies?"

  "Think on the bright side, maybe they will become superpowers!"


  After people experienced the solar eclipse in the end of the world, they will never look at the sun again. Eclipses are regarded as ordinary astronomical phenomena, but solar eclipses are linked to disasters.

  However, there are also people who look forward to awakening their powers during the solar eclipse and becoming God's lucky ones.

  But it’s still unclear whether those with super powers are the lucky ones!

  Mu Lichen looked at the expressions of fear and expectation behind him, and lowered his head slightly, blocking his own black eyes that had become very conspicuous due to his sudden increase in power.

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