Chapter 9: Accommodation

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  Under Mu Lichen's control, there seemed to be an invisible protective shield around the car, preventing zombies from getting close. In this way, he broke out a way out of the zombie crowd.

  And those cars that followed them and wanted to pick up bargains could only be swamped by the zombie wave.

  In the trade square where there was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​corpses, there were already a lot fewer zombies.

  Mu Lichen looked at the getting dark sky, then parked the car in front of a building: "Rest here tonight." The

  group got out of the car and walked towards the corridor. The one walking at the front It's An Ru and Mu Liyi.

  An Ru complained as she walked: "I've been riding in the car for almost a day, and my body is numb. And I haven't eaten anything. I'm almost starving to death." Mu Lichen, who was following An Yang and Grandpa

  Mu He tilted his head slightly and looked mockingly at Anru, who was telling him. An Ru thought, and then Anru, who was walking at the front, screamed: "Ah -" It was a very disgusting female zombie with a head that

  seemed It had been chopped off. Although it had not been chopped off, the skull had been shaved off, and the white brain was exposed. A mess of hair was soaked in the brain inside the skull, like black noodles boiled in milk. The clothes were so tattered that there were only a few rags on the shoulders and knees. The two lumps of flesh on the chest had become rotten and covered with dense black tendons. It was extremely terrifying... Although it was just the end of the world, the communication had already begun

  . There were no water and electricity outages. It was pitch black when Anjou entered the corridor.

  Under Mu Lichen's control, the disgusting zombie met Anru on a narrow road, almost face to face.

  But Anru just screamed instead of fainting, and Mu Lichen had to sigh that she had a good psychological quality.

  An Yang flew over with an ice arrow, and the female zombie that frightened An Ru so much that she screamed was pierced through the head and fell down.

  Mu Lichen glanced at An Yang, and then ignored his behavior of helping Anru. He didn't intend to let the zombie kill her anyway.

  Although Anru was not frightened and fainted, she was so frightened that her legs weakened and she clung to Mu Liyi's arm to stand still.

  Mu Lichen looked at the cowardly people who didn't dare to go in first and looked at him eagerly, and sneered mockingly: "What? You don't dare to go in? Weren't you very active just now?" Previously, everyone wanted to be the first to go in

  . , maybe we can get some good things, but now we find that the road ahead may be unsafe, and no one is willing to be a pioneer.

  Regarding Mu Lichen's sarcastic words, those who already knew what it meant to be flexible and flexible all pretended not to hear. As for what they were thinking in their hearts, they didn't know.

  Of course Mu Lichen knew that they were not angry when he mocked these dignified people, just because they still needed his protection.

  Once in a safe place, as long as he has no use value, they will definitely take revenge on him.

  He knew only too well the nature of these people who only held grudges but not gratitude.

  However, he didn't care about what these ants thought, and he let go of the resentment in his heart, saying words of hatred as soon as he opened his mouth: "Hypocritical trash." The resentment in this tone made An Yang, who was standing next to Mu Lichen, very angry

  . She was frightened and looked at him in surprise.

  Obviously he didn't understand how Mu Lichen, who was still very attached to his family before the end of the world, became so... so extreme in such a short period of time?

  If you mind those few words An Ru said... An Yang frowned slightly. It shouldn't be possible. Ah Chen is not the kind of person whose personality changes drastically just because of a few words.

  Mu Lichen's behavior of ridiculing those people when he took the opportunity was as if he had a deep hatred for them.

  If Mu Lichen hated them so much just because of their cold-blooded unwillingness to go to the hospital to save him, An Yang wouldn't believe it at all.

  An Yang looked at Mu Lichen's overly pale profile, with a bit of worry in his eyes. Before Ah Chen came to the Southeast Villa area, something must have happened that he didn't know about


  Mu Lichen took the lead and walked into the corridor. With him there, the zombies that were wandering in the corridor went to the floors above in fear.

  Now that the apocalypse has passed almost half a month, the joints of zombies have been de-rigid, and they can go up and down stairs and climb walls, and the living space for humans is also smaller.

  Mu Lichen did not go to the upper floors, but just broke open the security door of a house on the first floor and walked in.

  Many people were dissatisfied with choosing the first floor, but they only dared to whisper a few words in a low voice and did not dare to say it in front of Mu Lichen.

  An Yang, who has an excellent ear, also heard everyone's dissatisfaction and frowned slightly. The relationship between Achen and everyone was really tense.

  He didn't want the relationship between Mu Lichen and others to be too tense. After all, human nature is selfish, and Mu Lichen's behavior could easily be stabbed in the back, even if he was everyone's savior.

  So he smiled to smooth things over for Mu Lichen and explained: "Achen chose the first floor for his own reasons. After all, there are so many zombies upstairs, it's too dangerous. And the first floor is close to the car, so it's much easier for us to escape. ."

  Murong was still very dissatisfied: "Then if there is a group of zombies surrounding us, the first floor is also the most dangerous."

  An Yang's smile still did not change: "Uncle, we live on the first floor, so we can be safe when a group of zombies surround us. Run away as soon as possible!"

  Murong snorted, then said nothing and followed into the house.

  People who entered the house rushed to the kitchen and refrigerator in search of food. Soon, only the corpses of Mu Lichen, Grandpa Mu and An Yang were left in the living room.

  Mu Lichen also heard what An Yang just said.

  Mu Lichen knew An Yang's intentions very well. Although he didn't care about the Mu family's little thoughts, he still felt warm in his heart for helping An Yang.

  Mu Lichen said calmly: "Actually, you don't have to do that. I chose the first floor because I was too lazy to run upstairs."

  An Yang blinked and laughed softly: "I know."

  He had always known that Mu Lichen didn't like climbing stairs. When he was in college, he forced his classmates on the first floor to switch dormitories with him.

  Mu Lichen looked at the smile on An Yang's lips and thought of the embarrassing things in the past. He frowned slightly and suddenly felt a little dazed.

  Those happy days seem to have happened decades ago.

  After thinking about it, Mu Lichen glanced at An Yang and whispered, "Follow me."

  So he took the lead and went to a large bedroom.

  The house of this family was not very big, only more than 150 square meters, with two living rooms, three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a kitchen. Mu Lichen took An Yang into the master bedroom with a bathroom.

  After entering the master bedroom, Mu Lichen said to An Yang, "Take off your clothes."

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