Chapter 12

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      Mu Lichen's eyes were like looking at a dead thing, which made Mu Liyi shiver. He finally remembered that the Mu Lichen in front of him was no longer the gentle and friendly brother he used to be.

  Mu Liyi recalled Mu Lichen's killing behavior in the villa, like killing chickens and dogs, and couldn't help but feel scared.

  Mu Lichen saw Mu Liyi lower his head and let go of his hand. He didn't bother to argue with him now and strode towards the living room.

  Anyang just glanced at Mu Liyi, who looked a little strange, and then followed him.

  When Mu Lichen and An Yang came to the living room, they saw that there were only leftovers on the dining table, and Murong and An Ru were sitting on the sofa and resting comfortably.

  "Brother, Brother A Yang, come over and eat!" Seeing Mu Lichen and An Yang coming out, Mu Qingluan hurriedly went to the kitchen and brought out two bowls of rice and a plate of bacon, "I just found it in the refrigerator in the kitchen. I ordered a piece of bacon."

  Murong and Anru, who were already full, looked a little green when they saw the bacon on the plate.

  Anru said without any scruples: "You damn girl, you actually hid the bacon, and just brought out two plates of vegetable leaves for us to eat?" Originally, a lady of her status, She used to throw away a plate of bacon without even looking at it. After all, what had she eaten before that wasn't carefully cooked?

  But people are like this. If you don't taste the taste of hunger, you won't cherish food.

  Seeing the things on the table and Mu Qingluan's flattering eyes, Mu Lichen also had a good impression of this sister's knowledge of current affairs. He knew that her actions were to please him and Anyang, and they were purposeful and utilitarian. But Mu Qingluan, who could see himself clearly in this way, was undoubtedly more pleasing to his eyes than some people who had no self-awareness.

  For Mu Qingluan, his scheming half-sister, Mu Lichen still gave her some face and nodded towards her.

  Anyway, he didn't have much grudges with her. In his previous life, due to the exclusion of Anru and Mu Liyi, Murong took special care of her. He disliked Mu Qingluan very much, and in the end it was Mu Qingluan. He relied on his body and skills to get close to a powerful superpower and left their team.

  Mu Lichen didn't pay much attention to Mu Qingluan in his previous life, so there was no news about Mu Qingluan before he was taken into the institute.

  Although Mu Lichen was not happy with Mu Qingluan, he did not hate him as much as he did with Murong Anru and Mu Liyi.

  Seeing Mu Lichen respond to her overtures, the smile on Mu Qingluan's face became much brighter.

  × × × × × ×

  × × × Mu Lichen looked at the food on the table and had no appetite at all. He still had an appetite for the flesh and blood of these people.

  However, although Mu Lichen no longer regarded himself as a human being, he still had the memory of being a human being. He felt psychologically disgusted with eating alive people, but he could not suppress his physical instinctive reaction.

  Thinking that he had not eaten for a long time and had become more sensitive to flesh and blood, Mu Lichen decided to go hunting and store more crystal nuclei and elixirs for emergencies.

  Mu Lichen pulled up Grandpa Mu, who was sitting on the small sofa on one side of the living room and drooling at everyone in the living room, and said to An Yang, "You can eat, I will take grandpa out to eat." Hearing the word 'eating

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