Chapter 13: What is the end of the world?

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  After Mu Lichen was pulled into the master bedroom by Anyang, he couldn't help but feel irritated when he saw Anyang's complicated eyes.

  There is only one thought in his mind now: Anyang must also think that it is wrong for zombies to eat people, and zombies deserve to die! Anyang also thinks zombies deserve to die! He think i deserves to die! Damn it!

  Mu Lichen gradually developed a tendency to become obsessed, and a red light flashed in the dark eyes under the mirror frame.

  "Achen!" An Yang patted his shoulder.

  Mu Lichen, who was suddenly awakened, looked at An Yang's worried eyes. The irritability in his heart calmed down a little, and he lowered his voice: "Sorry, I was distracted just now. What did you say?" An Yang looked at Mu Lichen worriedly, and

  then He repeated what he just said: "Ah Chen, I noticed that you have changed a lot since you came back from the hospital. You were not so..." so cruel before.

  In the past, Ah Chen was trained by Grandpa Mu. Although he was a shrewd businessman and cruel, he was kind and gentle to the people in his protective circle.

  But now Ah Chen is so harsh on his relatives, and even says that he uses living people to raise zombies without taking human life seriously at all.

  Not so... so vicious? So cruel?

  Mu Lichen couldn't help but sneer. Although he knew that An Yang's original intention was to worry about him, and even though he knew that An Yang had not experienced the cruelty of the apocalypse, he still couldn't help but feel disappointed.

  He used to keep all his relatives in his protective circle. After experiencing the deepest and most profound betrayal, the only two people in his protective circle now are Grandpa Mu and An Yang.

 Grandpa Mu has turned into a low-level zombie without thinking. Mu Lichen can only place his last hope on An Yang.

  He couldn't help but think that in his previous life, Anyang knew that he was a zombie and still came to the institute to save him, but ended up dead without a whole body. Does that mean that Anyang could accept that he was a zombie?

  But Mu Lichen didn't dare to bet. He didn't dare to bet that the Anyang in this life was the Anyang who was willing to die for him in the previous life, so he still didn't dare to tell Anyang his true identity.

  He could not guarantee that Anyang, who had not experienced the apocalypse and had no hatred for zombies, would accept his identity calmly.

  Mu Lichen was silent to An Yang for a long time, and then said: "A Yang, it's the end of the world now. Do you know what the end of the world is?" An Yang said: "A Chen, don't be

  discouraged, you will get through the end of the world." Although he didn't have the confidence to say it, these words proved what he was thinking.

  Maybe all the survivors in the country can stick together and survive the end of the world!

  This is the common thought in the hearts of surviving humans today.

  The sneer at the corner of Mu Lichen's mouth was sarcastic: "The end of the world means the collapse of the government, the fall of the city, the collapse of morality, and the gradual extinction of mankind!" How can the end of the world be passed so easily


  It's just the beginning now.

  The end of the world has just begun. During the first solar eclipse, humans turned into zombies and appeared with superpowers.

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