Chapter 8

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  The successful estrangement was not only watched by Mu Lichen, but also Anru felt particularly happy. She looked at Liu Xu and Mu Qingluan sarcastically: "Bitch, don't you say you love him very much? Why? Why don't you hurry up and get your money-losing guy down and give up your position?"

  Liu Xu only held Mu Qingluan's hand tightly and lowered her head, as if she didn't hear Anru's sarcasm or look at it. To Murong's eyes.

  Murong, who originally thought that Liu Xu would offer to give up his seat so that he could save some face, suddenly became furious when he saw Liu Xu and Mu Qingluan's eyes refusing to get out of the car as if they hadn't noticed his hint.

  He said coldly: "Come down!"

  Although Liu Xu was mentally prepared, she still couldn't believe it when Murong, who once said he loved her enough to give up everything, said these two words.

  Facing Liu Xu's disbelieving, desperate and surprised gaze, Murong looked away with a guilty conscience, but he didn't feel any soft-heartedness at all.

  If they don't stay, then he has to stay.

  Staying here means death.

  He didn't want to die, so he could only feel sorry for them.

  Murong slowed down and said, "Didn't you say you love me very much? Didn't you say you love me so much that you are willing to die for me? Then how about you bring Qingluan down?" Liu Xu's eyes widened, a little excited

  . He asked instead: "Murong, how can you say that? Qingluan is your biological daughter! You don't even want her anymore?" At this time, Anru added fuel to the fire: "Hey, she's just a loser!


  Murong did not refute Anru's words like before and adopted a default attitude.

  To him, no one is as important as him, not to mention his daughter, even his son, if he blocks his way to escape, he can kick it away without hesitation.

 Murong was a little afraid to look at his daughter who was pretending to be calm but already bursting into tears, and his voice lowered: "If you stay here, you will definitely encounter the army's rescue team, and everything will be fine."

  It’s useless to lie to a three-year-old child.

  Liu Xu finally saw Murong's true face, and started to argue with Murong hysterically: "You are worse than a beast, you don't even care about your biological daughter!" Seeing the farce behind, Mu Lichen sneered

  . , let alone my daughter, even my son Murong can give up without hesitation.

  Seeing that they were having a good time, Mu Lichen used his mental power to drive away the nearby zombies that were attracted by the flesh and blood of living people, allowing them to 'concentrate' on continuing the trouble.

  By the way, he added a handful of firewood: "Since aunt cares about my sister so much, let her get in the car too!"

  Mu Qingluan looked at Mu Lichen in surprise.

  Mu Lichen smiled very gently, but his next words pushed Liuxu to the edge of the cliff: "Then, aunt, get out of the car!"

  The surprise on Liuxu's face, who thought he could stay in the car with his daughter, was not yet over. He retreated because Mu Lichen's words lost all color: "Wha...what?"

  Mu Lichen's eyes were full of ridicule and said: "Originally, you two were about to get off the car, but I am considerate of you, auntie, and you are a loving mother. It was only in my heart that Qingluan stayed. Why don't you seem happy?"

  Mu Qingluan looked at Liuxu with a look of surprise and hesitation.

  Liuxu was so anxious that he noticed Mu Qingluan's gaze and asked, "What about me?"

  Mu Lichen provoked discord: "Of course you got off the car! Could it be that what you just said was just to make yourself Do you want to stay together too?"

  After being poked into Liu Xu's thoughts by Mu Lichen, she had no choice but to turn her eyes to Mu Qingluan for help.

  Mu Qingluan was still unhappy because her mother used her as a raft, and she was unwilling to anger the moody Mu Lichen by interceding for Liu Xu. Maybe even her own qualifications to stay in the car would be cancelled.

  So Mu Qingluan pretended not to notice Liu Xu's gaze.

  When Liu Xu saw Mu Qingluan's reaction, she immediately became furious. She changed from her soft-spoken demeanor and became as angry as a shrew at Mu Qingluan: "You unfilial daughter, did you see your mother die?" You feel better in front of you, right?..."

  Liu Xu's thoughts were easy to guess. She felt that it was her previous motherly behavior that made Mu Lichen decide to keep Mu Qingluan. She had a chance of staying. Mu Qingluan took away the feeling.

  And Mu Qingluan's behavior of ignoring her plea for help made Liuxu, who was already frightened by Murong's ruthlessness, explode.

 The son turned into a monster, the lover betrayed, and the daughter stood by and watched. This series of blows made this dodder-like woman who needs to rely on others to survive almost collapse.

  But when Liuxu was about to collapse, Mu Lichen, who had been watching coldly, pulled her back: "Auntie, it's better not to scold my should stay too!" Liuxu was stunned


  Anru, who was watching the show, quit: "Why do you let this bitch stay?"

  Mu Lichen glanced at Anru coldly, and then she became quiet.

  Liu Xu looked at the gentle smile on Mu Lichen's face that made her heart tremble, and sat silently.

  Everyone else also got on the bus, but the atmosphere between Murong, Liuxu, and Mu Qingluan, who were originally close, became very tense.

  In the entire car, apart from the driver's seat, only the passenger seat was the most spacious. Mu Lichen asked An Yang, who was carrying Grandpa Mu who was suppressed, to sit in the passenger seat.

  He placed Grandpa Mu and Anyang closest to him because he was worried about the group of people behind him.

  If zombies were to attack, he couldn't guarantee whether Grandpa Mu and Anyang would be pushed out as shields in places he didn't care about.

  An Yang had no objection to Mu Lichen's arrangement, but Mu Liyi, who had been silent all this time, spoke up: "Brother, wouldn't it be good for Brother A Yang and Sang...grandpa to sit together? It's better to let him sit here with me. Bar!"

  Mu Lichen held the steering wheel and looked ahead, as if she didn't hear what he said.

  Anyang just glanced at Mu Liyi, then casually glanced at Murong Liuxu, Mu Qingluan and the others. Without saying anything, he just sat in the passenger seat with Grandpa Mu who was very calm.

  Seeing this, Mu Liyi just glanced at Mu Lichen jealously, then lowered his head and stopped talking.

  After everyone had gotten up, Mu Lichen stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped out like an arrow from a string.

  After the car left, other people in the Mu family villa who had been left behind by Mu Lichen also got out one after another. Before the zombies that Mu Lichen had driven away had not surrounded the southeast villa area again, they ran to the garage and wanted to follow them in their cars. They left together behind Mu Lichen's car.

  But when they drove out of the car, without the pressure of the Zombie Emperor, the living dead who only knew how to eat and eat gathered around again...

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