Chapter 140: Countdown to the End 2

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 Although the head of the Xu family didn’t know where Mu Lichen got such strong self-confidence, he was not panicked at all because he was also full of confidence in his last resort. No one could start from that kind of situation. Survive disaster.

 He glanced at the slowly approaching ice, and then thrust the spear in his hand into the ground. At this time, the entire body of the slender spear turned dark red, like red-hot iron.

 Mu Lichen felt a sense of crisis in his heart. He felt a huge and scorching fire energy from the body of the head of the Xu family who had no powers. The magnitude of this energy was definitely not that of any fire power user. Being able to possess it can only mean that this energy comes from the heart of fire.

 Sure enough, a stream of hot white magma burst out from in front of the spear inserted by the head of the Xu family, and the ice and cold air created by Mu Lichen were turned into air almost instantly.

 It's just that this magma doesn't distinguish between friend and foe. Not only did it rush toward Mu Lichen, but even the people in the survivor base in City X were not spared.

 The head of the Xu family, who was swallowed up by the hot magma from the very beginning, may not have known that the killing move he drew would almost destroy the entire X City survivor base.

 Almost subconsciously, Mu Lichen released layers of ice walls without interruption. The hundreds or thousands of layers of ice walls were swallowed up by the magma, but these ice walls had completed their mission and provided Mu Lichen with After buying two seconds, he opened the snakeskin bag on his waist.

 He knew that if he did not release the other Five Elements Hearts, he would most likely be seriously injured or even die if he faced the Fire Hearts alone.

 He didn't dare to bet on whether the protective shield derived from his soul crystal could withstand the attack of the Heart of Fire, so he chose to release all the Hearts of Five Elements.

 A big heart and two small hearts flew up into the air and hung in the air. The halo of gold, green, blue, and yellow blocked him from the hot magma caused by the head of the Xu family.

 The little golden heart gradually regained its vitality from the initial silence, and began to beat vigorously like other hearts.

 The Heart of Mu Shui, which emits green and blue light and is composed of the Heart of Mu Hua and the Heart of Xuanshui, begins to emit circles of invisible fluctuations, which attract other small hearts to come closer.

 The Heart of Ruijin and the Heart of Thick Earth, which were already very close to each other, took the lead in flying to the Heart of Wood and Water, and gradually merged with it. The increasingly dazzling light made it difficult to see the specific situation clearly.

 And where the light shines, all the magma solidifies, and the hot temperature disappears... Mu Lichen squinted his eyes slightly, trying to see clearly the center of the light, when he suddenly felt his right hand being pulled. Then the surrounding environment changed to green grass and blue sky.

 Anyang hugged Mu Lichen tightly, with a sense of joy in his voice: "Fortunately, you are okay..."

 Mu Lichen listened to Anyang's fast heartbeat and did not struggle. He held. He hugged Anyang's back and comforted him: "Ayan, I'm fine, don't worry."

 Anyang retorted eagerly: "Why don't you ask me to worry? When the magma erupted just now, I wanted to rush out and take you Come in, but I found that the space is unstable and I can't get out at all. I can only watch helplessly when you are about to be submerged by the magma. Do you know how scared I am?" His hand holding Mu Lichen was still shaking a little: "Ah Chen, let's just ignore other things, okay? Let's live in seclusion in the world of heaven and earth for the rest of our lives, okay?"

 Zombies, humans, mutated beasts, the heart of the five elements... none of these are important, he just wants to let his Ah Chen is fine, he just wants to live well with Ah Chen...

 Mu Lichen patted his back, not wanting him to continue to be uneasy, so he changed the subject and said, "Let me see what's going on outside. ."

 Anyang calmed down and showed the outside scene in Qiankun Realm.

 The Heart of Ruijin, the Heart of Muhua, the Heart of Xuanshui, and the Heart of Thick Earth are still merging, and the dazzling light of the four colors of gold, green, blue, and yellow shines almost everywhere in sight.

 The earth trembled faintly, and then the trembling became violent. Then a khaki light shot out from the merging hearts of the Five Elements. A hole opened in the earth, and a small red heart quickly flew up.

 Before An Yang could turn his perspective to the cracks in the earth, the Heart of Fire had already flown to the ground, and the cracks in the earth had closed. No one knew what was underneath where the Heart of Fire had just flown up. ...

 The heart of fire merged into the light group, and the original four colors of light became five, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the hearts of the five elements gathered together...The power of the five elements is the origin of the world, and the hearts of the five elements come together

 . Gathering means...

 five-colored rays of light fly out from the light group, illuminating every corner of the world. All intelligent life in the world looks up at these five-colored rays of light and bathes in this light.

 Mu Lichen and An Yang, who were hiding in the Qiankun Realm, were shocked when the five-color light illuminated every corner of the Qiankun Realm.

 The trees and flowers are more lush, the mountains are more towering, the water is clearer, the earth is thicker, and the fire element has become more active... It seems that the appearance of things in the Qiankun world has not changed, but Mu Lichen and An Yang feel these. , that mysterious and mysterious feeling...

 Mu Lichen murmured: "It seems that the heart of the five elements is far beyond my imagination. Even treasures such as Qiankun Realm cannot escape the five-color light."

 However. The five-color light shining on his body was very comfortable, making his five-series abilities increase crazily.

 Mu Lichen knew that the five-color light shining on his body must be beneficial. He quickly said to An Yang: "Let's get out!" What Mu Lichen felt, An Yang naturally felt too, so he quickly

 understood What Mu Lichen meant was that he took Mu Lichen's hand and left the world of heaven and earth.

 After all, the Qiankun Realm is not the same space as the real world outside. The light of the Five Elements Heart can shine into the Qiankun Realm, but it is also weakened a lot. After going out, they are the people closest to the Five Elements Heart in the world.

 As soon as the two people came out of the space, the light of the Five Elements Heart enveloped their whole bodies. The most beautiful and intoxicating feeling was like being in the mother's womb. They couldn't help but indulge in it, without any awareness of the outside world... …

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