Chapter 111 - 112 - 113

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Chapter 111: Zombies attacking the city?

 Li Hongzhe, who has a serious mysophobia: "..." Haha.

 Now even if he can't sense supernatural powers, he can still see that this boy named An Chen is very hostile to him.

 The displeasure on Li Hongzhe's face only appeared for a short time before it subsided. He retracted his hand and smiled stiffly: "Mr. An Chen seems to be very dissatisfied with me..." Mu Lichen's face remained unchanged and he snorted coldly

 . He said: "I don't think I need to be polite to a person who makes zombies."

 Li Hongzhe finally understood why the inheritor named An Chen disliked him so much. It turned out that he controlled the artificial zombies to attack the demon. When he saw it, he thought... maybe he thought that the cause of the zombies in the apocalypse came from him?

 Li Hongzhe felt that this was a misunderstanding. Since it was just a misunderstanding, it would be good if the misunderstanding was resolved. He was unwilling to offend the two inheritors. Even though he had a high status in the Qin family, he was not Qin after all.

 "This artificial zombie is the product of me combining the genes of high-level intelligent zombies with the genes of ordinary people. Although they look the same as the zombies outside, they are actually under my control. Nowadays, there are more and more zombies, and humans Even if you take human lives to fill them, it will add new force to them, but what if you use zombies to deal with zombies?"

 Mu Lichen deliberately showed a hesitant look: "Can these artificial zombies really be controlled? How is it controlled?"

 Li Hongzhe stretched out his hand. , motioning Mu Lichen to look at the ring on his finger: "I implanted a chip, this kind of controller, into the brains of artificial zombies. If the zombies lose control, they can use the controller to trigger the chip to explode, destroying these artificial zombies. ."

 Qin Ming, who was standing aside, relaxed a lot when he heard Li Hongzhe's introduction.

 It would be nice if these artificial zombies were controlled by controllers. If they could only be controlled by Li Hongzhe, then the entire human race would be ruled by Li Hongzhe, right?

 Mu Lichen and An Yang deliberately pretended to be very interested, and then hinted intentionally or unintentionally that they wanted to go to the research institute to see how research was done.

 Even Qin Ming was moved by Mu Lichen and An Yang's suggestive words and wanted to go to the research institute.

 If it were just Mu Lichen and An Yang, Li Hongzhe could refuse without hesitation on the basis of the top secrets of the Qin family. However, Qin Ming is the next head of the Qin family, so it is not easy for him to refuse directly. He can only evade. : "I have to ask the master of the family for instructions on this matter. I can't decide."

 Both Mu Lichen and An Yang looked at Qin Ming expectantly. They had such high hopes from their two trusted generals, and he immediately patted his chest to express his confidence. in his body.

 Li Hongzhe silently glanced at the idiot who was being held by his men, but said nothing.

 Even if the head of the Qin family agrees to let these two people enter the research institute to visit, it doesn't matter. He will definitely not show them the core secret technologies. As for the location of the underground research institute being leaked, it doesn't matter. After all, these two people can sneak into the Qin family. The heir should be surrounded by confidants, who should be trustworthy.

 Li Hongzhe, Mu Lichen, Anyang and Qin Ming chatted for a while about artificial zombies, and then he left with his artificial zombies and Ruijin Heart.

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