Chapter 80: Mu Lichen's life experience!

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 Could it be that Ah Chen is also an illegitimate child?

 Impossible. If Ah Chen was an illegitimate son, Grandpa Mu would never raise him as his heir. After all, there was also a legitimate grandson, Mu Liyi.

 Grandpa Mu's thoughts are somewhat old-fashioned and he does not like illegitimate children. He only values ​​legitimate children and grandchildren.

 So if Achen was an illegitimate child, Grandpa Mu would not have such a good attitude, and Anru would not agree.

 There were many speculations in An Yang's mind, but none of them were definite.

 His eyes glanced at the dirty Anru, and he would take the truth out of Anru's mouth no matter what he said today.

 Especially when Anru said that Mu Lichen was not her biological son, he couldn't suppress the joy in his heart.

 Entering Area B, Anru's style made her and An Yang particularly eye-catching.

 However, An Yang was well-known as a high-level superpower, so the patrol did not come to blast Anru out.

 Anyang brought Anru back to the villa where he lived.

 The members of the Star Mercenary Group in the villa were preparing dinner. When they saw An Yang coming in, they all greeted him: "Hello, Captain!" An Ru next to An Yang made the group members look at him a few more times,

 but No one dared to ask.

 After getting along with each other for this period of time, they also knew that their seemingly easy-to-talk leader was actually a man of his word, and he didn't like others to pry into his personal affairs.

 Anyang nodded to the group members, and relaxed his grip on Anru. For a moment, Anru broke away from him, rushed to the dining table, grabbed the food with his hands and stuffed it into his mouth like a starving ghost.

 Everyone saw that their food had been soiled by a dirty crazy woman, and they were angry but worried that this crazy woman was brought by the group leader An Yang. So they could only watch Anru eat almost all the food on the table.

 When An Yang saw An Ru overeating after being hungry for a long time, he didn't stop her and just looked on coldly. He waved his hand, and a lot of canned vegetables, fruits, meats and the like appeared on the ground. An Yang said to the members whose eyes were glowing green: "This is to compensate you." Suddenly, the dissatisfied members could only wait for this

 . It would be better if the crazy woman came here more often. The dinner they had just prepared was just a very rough meal. It was just a hot meal. It was not nutritious or delicious at all. But the food An Yang compensated them was vegetables, fruits and canned meat that were hard to buy.

 Canned meat is okay, and now the meat of mutated beasts can be eaten after processing. Although it contains slight toxins, the toxins can be excreted by the superpower users through their own detoxification function, so the superpower users have no shortage of meat to eat. But the juicy vegetables and fruits are not even visible.

 There are also vegetables and fruits sold in the shops in the base, but they are all small, bitter, colorless, and not fresh. But even such inferior goods are extremely expensive.

 People with super powers are reluctant to buy them at other times, except when their bodies are so deficient in vitamins that they must eat them.

 Fresh vegetables and fruits like this that are plump in size, taste good, and have high water content are all supplied to the top leaders of the base.

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