Chapter 46: Mental Deception

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 The group of people found a few cars that still had gas and drove on the road.

 Mu Ran, Qin Zhao, Li Tianyun and other superpowers did not sit together in one car. Instead, they each took several ordinary people in a car, in case there was any danger and ordinary people had no power to fight back.

 Mu Lichen followed Mu Ran in a car, and Mu Ran was driving their car.

 Originally, people with super powers must be ready to fight at any time, and those who drive are naturally ordinary people.

 But Mu Ran is a person with psychic powers, which is equivalent to a personal radar. It would be best for him to drive.

 And when there is danger, with Mu Lichen on hand, there is no need for him to take action.

 Mu Ran drove the car and took the lead. Any dangers or obstacles on the road were avoided by using his mental power to detect and avoid them.

 However, when he was about to get on the highway, he suddenly stopped the car.

 He stopped the car, and the cars behind him also stopped.

 Li Tianyun got out of the car, walked to the front, and knocked on the window next to Mu Ran's driver's seat: "Why did you stop suddenly?" Mu Ran frowned tightly,

 opened the door and got out. He looked ahead and could only vaguely see About a minute later, he saw a flash of green, "The front is closed to traffic."

 Li Tianyun smiled and said, "How is that possible? The front is a highway." He looked at Mu Ran's solemn expression, and his smile faded. He suddenly realized that the person in front of him was a fourth-level spiritual superpower, and it was impossible to fool him on this small issue. "Is there a mutant beast blocking the way?" Mu Ran shook his head: "It's not a mutant beast, it's a mutant beast

 . Plants."

 Li Tianyun breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "The plants have not mutated now. At most, they are a little more lush and the road is not easy to walk on." He waved to the car behind him and shouted: "It's okay. , everyone get in the car and keep going!"

 Seeing that Li Tianyun insisted on taking this road, and Mu Lichen didn't object, he got in the car without saying a word and continued driving.

 Seeing that the car was about to enter the highway, they all stopped in unison. There should be a highway in front of them, but no one thought it was a highway.

 Everyone looked at the tangled branches and vines in front of them, and the originally wide highway had been covered by a patch of green so that the concrete surface could not be seen, let alone driving through this road that was comparable to a virgin forest.

 The car definitely couldn't drive through, so everyone got out of the car.

 Li Tianyun's face looked ugly at this time, but now that he was here, it would be even more inconvenient to go back and take a detour.

 Mu Ran also frowned: "We can only abandon the car and walk."

 Those ordinary people were a little panicked when they heard that they were going to abandon the car. After all, in terms of physical strength, they are not as good as the superpowers. If they can't keep up and are abandoned... …

 and walking is far more dangerous than driving.

 Mu Lichen knew that Li Tianyun's golden finger related to plants was most likely obtained from here, so naturally he would not ask to return and acquiesced to Mu Ran's words.

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