Chapter 45: Hidden Family

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 Mu Lichen looked at Li Tianyun indifferently. Facing Li Tianyun who greeted him with a surprised face, he just nodded coldly, then turned a blind eye to these people and continued to look at them. outside the window.

 "Who is this man? So arrogant!"

 "Brother Li said hello to him and he ignored him?"

 "What attitude? I need a lesson!"

 Several people behind Li Tianyun complained about him, hoping to gain his favor. .

 People with superpowers are too rare. They are ordinary people who depend on Li Tianyun for survival. They can only seize every opportunity to increase their favorability and flatter him.

 But if Li Tianyun, an ordinary person, could reach this point, he was certainly not stupid.

 Mu Lichen appeared alone in a small hotel in L city, and there was not even a zombie in this small hotel. All this showed that Mu Lichen was not simple.

 Especially the long knife that Mu Lichen was carrying on his back made him feel even more frightened.

 Before Li Tianyun found out his details, he was unwilling to make enemies casually, and quickly scolded the people behind him: "Shut up! How dare you talk to Mr. Mu like this, why don't you apologize quickly!" Li Tianyun's attitude was already obvious, and those who were used to it were already aware of it

 . The flatterer caught the wind and immediately went to apologize to Mu Lichen. While apologizing, he also did not forget to say a few more flattering words.

 Mu Lichen looked at them coldly and bored, and immediately several people around him left one after another, not daring to be presumptuous.

 However, Li Tianyun was not affected by Mu Lichen's attitude at all. He approached him and said, "Did Mr. Mu come alone?" He turned slightly sideways and introduced the people who came in with him behind him to Mu Lichen, "These They are all classmates from the same school as us. Do you want Master Mu to go with us? We can take care of each other." Mu Lichen glanced at the more than ten people over there. Except for Li Tianyun, a wood-type superpower, there were no more people in the team

 . There are also five superpowers, and these five superpowers seem to be headed by Li Tianyun. This can be seen from the fact that Li Tianyun invited him to accompany them without any objection from them.

 Two of these five superpowers look familiar. They should be his classmates like Li Tianyun.


 Li Tianyun and Mu Lichen are classmates, but they have very little communication.

 Li Tianyun didn't want to curry favor with a rich young master like Mu Lichen, and Mu Lichen didn't need to put down his dignity and deliberately make friends with him, so the relationship between the two was an extremely ordinary relationship between classmates.

 Moreover, because Mu Lichen had to learn from Grandpa Mu to manage the Mu family's property, he rarely came to school except for exams.

 Therefore, I am only familiar with my classmates, and even except for a few outstanding ones, I don't even remember the names of the others.

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