Chapter 19: How long is a lifetime?

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  When Mu Lichen heard those words that were like an oath, his heart suddenly rippled and he was no longer calm.

  It took Mu Lichen a while to calm down, and he looked at An Yang complicatedly, but did not respond to his promise. He just whispered, "Let's go in, and we'll set off later!" An Yang didn't care about Mu Li either

  . Chen's deliberate avoidance meant that he had made up his mind and would not follow him in the future.

  Even if there was an abyss ahead, he would be willing to jump into it together with Ah Chen.

  Hearing Mu Lichen change the topic, An Yang couldn't bear to embarrass Mu Lichen, so he followed his words and said, "Didn't you say you want to rest here for a while?" Mu Lichen saw that An Yang no longer dwelled on the topic

  . , thinking that what he said was not serious, he was disappointed but relieved, and said: "It's no longer safe here, we have to leave quickly." An Yang remembered the roar of zombies that kept ringing in his ears, and nodded too.


  Mu Lichen and Anyang entered the house. An Yang went to pack his things. Mu Lichen said coldly to everyone: "I'll give you five minutes and gather them in the car immediately. Those who are slow will stay here." Let's go!"

  No one dared to resist Mu Lichen's order, not even a pleading voice. They all went to the room to take their most important things with them. Even if they couldn't bear to throw away the things they couldn't bring, no one said a word to let them go. If Mu Lichen gives you more time.

  Mu Lichen watched coldly as Anru Murong packed up his backpack with all the gold and silver jewelry. There was no room for food and drink, and he didn't bring much. But he didn't say anything. It was simply stupid to carry gold and silver jewelry that would depreciate into scrap in the last days.

  It's not so bad now. You can give them more gold, silver and jewelry in exchange for some food and water. But when the second solar eclipse happens and all the animals mutate into zombies or mutated animals, food will be extremely scarce.

  Tens of billions of gold, silver, and jade before the end of the world may not be exchanged for an ordinary pack of instant noodles.

  Anyang had the space for the jade pendant. He returned to the master bedroom where he kept his things and put all the large things that he couldn't take into the space. He even put in the things that the original owner of the house had that were useful. .

  In the end, Anyang came out carrying only a bag containing some simple packaged food.

  Mu Lichen glanced at the bag in An Yang's hand, nodded slightly, then turned around and walked out with Grandpa Mu, followed closely by An Yang.

  Others, who were afraid that they would be left behind, didn't care that they still had something with them, and hurriedly followed behind, not daring to lose half a step.

  No matter how much they care about those external things, they will not care more than their own lives.

  The nearby zombies were ordered by Mu Lichen to stay away, so when everyone came out, there was no situation like Anru entering the corridor to face the zombies.

  Mu Lichen walked leisurely to the parking place. Grandpa Mu and An Yang naturally followed him closely. As for Anru Murong and others, they walked quickly to the car, fearing that they would be worse than Mu Lichen. Chen was ruthlessly left behind as soon as he took one step in the car.

  Mu Lichen looked at those people as if they were rushing to be reincarnated, and knew that this was their distrust of him.

  But he didn't care, after all, Mu Lichen was no longer the stupid Mu Lichen who believed in them in his previous life.

  In this life, he only comes for revenge!

  Mu Lichen looked at the faces of Anru, Murong, Mu Liyi and others coldly, describing them bit by bit with his eyes, and firmly remembered them in his heart.

  How grateful he was that God had given him a chance for revenge. How grateful he was that unlike ordinary zombies, which lacked complete vision, he could remember the face of his enemy clearly in his heart.

  Not only is this person going to die, but he will never let go of the base in City B, especially the underground research institute where countless zombies and human bones are buried!

  Destroy these! All should be destroyed! Including... dirty humans!

  "Ah Chen! Ah Chen, what's wrong with you?"

  An Yang had been walking at the back, so he was surprised when he saw Mu Lichen suddenly stopping while walking, so he stretched out his hand and gave him a gentle push.

  Mu Lichen, who was pushed awake by Anyang, suddenly came back to his senses. He turned to look at Anyang's familiar yet unfamiliar face, and couldn't help but feel a little startled. The last time he saw this face in his previous life, it was covered with bloodstains. He looked worriedly at his bright eyes, but there were only two dark holes... The face at this time was still so fresh,

  really good!

  Mu Lichen smiled softly and said: "I'm fine."

  An Yang was not easily fooled. He noticed Mu Lichen's perfunctory cover-up and asked worriedly: "Achen, what do you have? Just tell me if you have any difficulties. No matter what, I am also your...cousin!"

  Mu Lichen suppressed the violent turmoil in his heart and said with a bright smile: "Fuck you, you are only a few months older than me, and I am Don't call you brother!" After saying that, Mu Lichen couldn't help but be startled. This familiar tone made him feel like he hadn't seen it for a long time... Wasn't it just before the end of the world, when he didn't have to fight for survival all the time? He and An Yang, one is the heir of the Mu family and the other is the heir of the An family, have a good future.

  The two brothers, who have a great relationship, fight and joke around every day and make harmless jokes. Even if they have disagreements, they naturally make up the next day...

  But the end is coming!

  He became a zombie, and Anyang was a superpower.

  Then, under the pressure of the apocalypse, the two brothers who were originally close and trusted each other gradually drifted apart... No! It's not that they are drifting apart, but that he has been inferior to his status as a zombie, has been suspicious, has been refusing Anyang's approach, and used his suspicion to stab Anyang who wants to get closer to him... Mu Lichen looked

  at An Yang, who was also slightly stunned, felt inexplicably soft in his heart. In this life, besides revenge, could he make amends? Can they continue to maintain their deep brotherhood?

  Subconsciously, Mu Lichen didn't want to think about An Yang's reaction after his identity as the Zombie King was exposed. He felt that it would be great if he was not exposed for the rest of his life...

  How long is a lifetime?

  Before the end of the world, a life span lasts only a hundred years. After the end of the world, no one knows. No one knows whether zombies are alive or whether they will decay like corpses under the passage of time... No one knows that those with superhuman abilities will be inspired by Whether his lifespan was shortened after having potential or whether he was blessed by God and extended his lifespan...

  Even Mu Lichen, who was reborn in the apocalypse, didn't know.

  But he thought, if possible, he hoped that his identity as the Zombie King would always exist in the darkness. In Anyang's heart, he would always be the good brother who he could trust to take care of him!

  An Yang didn't know that Mu Lichen was still thinking about being a good brother with him at this time. Suddenly he heard the indifferent Achen teasing him again in that familiar tone, and he felt happy in his heart.

  Today's Mu Lichen, no matter how powerful or extraordinary he is, as long as he is always his Ah Chen!

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