Chapter 121: The inheritance of the Alchemy Emperor!

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 Anyang took Mu Lichen's hand, and in just a blink of an eye, they were in the forest from the spring.

 Mu Lichen released his mental power and discovered that this place was a mountain, the largest mountain that appeared after the space upgrade.

 Mu Lichen, who was used to seeing mountains and forests full of zombie plants and mutated plants, was a little uncomfortable with this peaceful mountain forest that was as peaceful as before the apocalypse.

 Mu Lichen asked: "What are you doing here?"

 An Yang only smiled mysteriously and did not answer Mu Lichen's question. Instead, he took him a few steps into the forest. , they seemed to have entered another space, and the scene in front of them suddenly changed drastically. The mountains and forests disappeared, and in front of them was a small palace, simple and profound, which made people feel a sense of awe from the bottom of their hearts.

 Mu Lichen looked at the small and simple palace in front of him in shock: "This is..."

 An Yang raised his head and looked at the plaque without a word on the palace door, and said: "This is the inheritance palace."

 "Inherited Palace?" Mu Lichen was so surprised that even the end of his voice rose a lot, "Is this jade pendant not only a space spiritual treasure, but also an inherited spiritual treasure?" However, he was surprised, and Mu Lichen was very happy in his heart

 . , I wish I could have more unexpected surprises like this.

 An Yang smiled and said: "This space is called the Qiankun Realm. It is a small world specially opened by Emperor Dan for growing herbal medicine. Therefore, it is easy for me to grow things in it to survive and produce high yields. That spring is the source of this space. Source of aura, if you don't make the core of the space merge into one, sooner or later the aura in the Qiankun world will be exhausted and reduced to an ordinary storage space." The difference between the Qiankun world and ordinary storage spaces is that

 , The former has a lot of spiritual energy and can be used to place living objects and plant plants, but the latter can only place dead objects and people are not allowed in.

 Therefore, the value gap between the two is very large.

 Mu Lichen didn't care about that. He only noticed the word 'Alchemy Emperor', "Is the inheritance here the inheritance of Alchemy Emperor?"

 An Yang nodded and said, "Yes, it is the inheritance of the Dan Emperor."

 An Yang entered the palace with Mu Lichen.

 This quaint palace is small and spacious inside, and all the furnishings can be seen at a glance.

 Except for some oil lamps that never go out, there is only a very large stove placed in the center of the palace, which is even twice as tall as them.

 This stove was the most conspicuous in the entire palace. Of course, the two of them walked to the stove and looked at it carefully, but they didn't find anything special about the stove, nor did they find a way to accept the inheritance.

 It stands to reason that to accept the inheritance from the inherited spirit treasure, you should only have to recognize the owner of the inherited spirit treasure. However, Mu Lichen in the space of this jade pendant has already recognized the owner, and after gathering the space core, the inheritance palace is also opened. In other words, this inheritance definitely exists, but they don't know how to accept it.

 Mu Lichen sighed: "It would be great if we could know a little more about the methods of alchemists." Alchemists

 are very noble. In the era of cultivation tens of thousands of years ago, there was an alchemist master everywhere he went. Countless masters flocked to it, and even many ancestors in the tribulation stage were willing to sacrifice their lives to work as bodyguards for the master in order to obtain a tribulation elixir from the master's hands.

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