Rules Of Engagement

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   *** Period *** By: Boosie Badazz feat. DaBaby

After the little show at the children gala I wanted to go to my wife but my dad, Christian, and Jose told me to give Hazel time to cool off because the rage in her eyes was for Lian and me. Everyone went back to enjoying the party with a few glares from Harper, Chloe, Layla, Michaela, Isabel, Aaliyah, and Amelia towards Dalia, Lian, and Taya as they walked out. Christian, Lukas, Jose and me went out to the backyard to drink, talk, and smoke. I tell Jose that I know that Lian is his sister and that I love her like she is my sister as well but I love Hazel more and I will not apologize for what my wife did or have her apologize or make her feel bad for it one because she isn't wrong and two because after everything that Lian have been doing to Hazel she deserve it. Hazel is queen of both worlds she must be respected by all if not they will think her weak and when your weak you are a target in our world. And one thing that Hazel isn't is weak she's the strongest woman I have ever met and she can hang with any of us guys.

Jose Jr: Hazel doesn't owe no one an apology not even you do Mar. Lian maybe my sister but if she disrespected my wife like that I would've let Maria get in her shit or I would've did so myself. There is just some shit you don't do and what Lian was doing deserved worst then what Hazel did.

Christian: I am just surprise it took her this long to say or do something Hazel never been great at controlling her rage especially when it comes to something she wants or loves. There have been times that even I couldn't talk her down.

Lukas: Do you think she will stay?

We all look around at each other none of us could truly answer the question because last time something happen between her, myself, and Lian she left me taking the children with her. Christian tells me that she love me and she doesn't give up on people that she love not that easily anyway which made me think back to Jace Matthews. We finish our drinks and head inside but instead of me going back to the party I tell the guys that I will see them later going up to check on my wife they all give me a look as if telling me to be careful. As I head towards the stairs Hazel is coming down in a thin spaghetti strap dress that fits her curve perfectly with keys in her hand. I grab them telling her that she isn't leaving me again reminding her that she promised we could work through anything she looks up at me asking me am I done. Only if you are not leaving. She shakes her head saying she wasn't leaving me pointing at the keys she says these are the limo keys that my father asked for them. I look and feel stupid right now. Oh I am sorry love. She just shakes her head again at me trying to step around me but I step in front of her making her look up at me. Come with me?

Hazel: Where?

I want to show you something. I pull her towards the door leading us outside.

Hazel: What about the children?

I will text Dad, Marcus, Haze, and Reid. I pulled out my phone texting the four men letting them know we are leaving. We both get in the limo that was meant for dad Hazel handing the keys to the driver.

Hazel: I think this was for one of the guest that is in intoxicated.

I tell her they will find another way. I give the driver the address I see King and Tony get into one of the Range Rover to follow us.

Hazel: Where are we going?

Just have patients love it's a surprise. On the drive over Hazel sight see Rome it's dark but it's still beautiful plus since we move to Italy she have only toured twice once on our double date with Layla and Enrique and the second time was with the group again couples dating. We arrive twenty five minutes later pulling down the long Italian drive.

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