Family Affair

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          *** In My Feelings *** By: Kevin Gates

After making crazy love to each other bodies the next morning just like any other morning when I wake from us having sex all night where I spanked my wife ass for being disobedient doing sex she is in the bathroom and I heard her putting cream on her now very red ass cheeks. I smile to myself as I walk in on her seeing her ass turned towards the mirrors with her head turned that way rubbing cream on her ass. Red looks good on you love.

Hazel: Very funny Marco now help me please.

I walk the rest of the way grabbing the cream rubbing it on her ass which leads to sex on the toilet, the cabinet, then the shower, and once more before getting dress to go eat breakfast. I can never get tired of this women or being inside her. I take my MacBook laptop with me so I could work as well to find Blaze and Imani already there watching the news and working. Imani get up to help Hazel in the kitchen while I sit down.

Blaze: Great morning?

I know he is being a asshole because all the noise we were making this morning doing sex and probably last night too. I smile at him then look at my laptop pulling up company reports that I didn't go over last night. Within thirty five minutes Hazel is calling us into the kitchen to eat where I see they cooked grits, eggs, bacon, pan sausage, biscuits, and toast they even made fresh squeezed orange and coffee. Hazel and I both had our laptops open when we get a notification from Leonardo tracker showing him moving so we called Hazel Marie phone because we know that he haven't left his family since she gave birth and when they do travel it's always together but only his tracker is moving. She doesn't answer her phone so I call his phone and get a answer.

Leonardo: Hello Costello.

Hello baby cousin do you mind telling me where you are going?

Leonardo: I would if I knew what you are talking about Marco.

Where is your necklace?

Leonardo: Upstairs why?

Are you sure of this Leo?

Leonardo: Hold on.

He gets quiet but I can hear him searching then we heard him call for his wife. He gets quiet again then we heard her asked what is that and he replied nothing she yells just like Hazel calling him by his whole name telling him not to lie to her making him reply it's a note or letter. I guess he remembered he is on the phone with me because he says Hello Costello and I replied yes Leonardo because I am getting irritated with him now.

Leonardo: The necklace is gone but there is a message left for me. A note or letter in the babies room. Before I could ask what it said we heard Hazel Marie start to read it.

Hazel Marie: Fair is foul and foul is fair, hover through the fog and filthy air.

That means that what seems to be good can turn out to be bad, appearances can be deceiving.

Hazel Marie: You know Macbeth?

I am a man of many talents love.

Leonardo: Okay enough you two.

On our end we heard Hazel Marie say that there is something on the back of the letter. This time it was Leo that reads it out loud.

Leonardo: These violets delights have violent ends. P.S she was mine first.

Hazel and Hazel Marie both says Romeo and Juliet.

Leonardo: What does the mean?

Hazel: A caution to Romeo or should I say a caution to you Leonardo. Basically warning you not to act to impulsively in your love for Hazel Marie. Just as it was a warning to Romeo about Juliet.

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