Moments That Last

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*** Fighter*** Christina Aguilera

After we discovered the message left for us we checked on Carlos to make sure he was in the hospital still in police custody which he was Lukas had even managed to paralyze him like he said he wanted to. Next was checking to make sure Alessia wouldn't get out of jail not even on bond which since her cousin that she was trying to get to fight for custody of Marcie, Carter, and Gracie had posted bond for her when she jumped bond the first time her and her husband were now in trouble since the FBI found out Alessia was using her husband plane to get around from country to country. That same night the guys and I visited our warehouses since the girls took care of our other businesses before we made it back to my parents house to eat, shower, and get four hours of sleep before loading Hazel, Christian, Haze and my jet to take us back to Florida. After we got the threats on the girls lives Lukas told Arianna she was moving back in that they could still be separated if that's what she wanted but she was living with him and the kids which I don't think Trevor liked that because he wasn't allowed to stay which I heard Arianna, Layla, and Hazel talking he was separated from his wife as well and trying to get back with Arianna but I wouldn't tell Lukas that because if he still cared he would murder Trevor. Derrian and Michaela had completely made up after he was shot he promised no more missing anything and to be home more with her and the kids something his father had talked to him about as well because Damon was big on family and didn't believe in divorce. Lucia told Miguel Jr mother that her and Miguel wanted a blood test on the baby she was pregnant with just like she got on Miguel Jr. She even told her that if this baby isn't his which he swear isn't that all communication is to go through her and she will only be allowed around on weekends because her and Miguel have custody of his son after she had started to use him to try to get Miguel to leave Lucia.

Which where she fucked up at was forgetting that Dreka is Miguel mother and doesn't play behind her children and their children so when the boy started to come around with bruises and hungry every time they would get him Dreka had a talk with Miguel who went down and filed for full custody and won. Cauis agreed to work things out with Bai after what happened back in Venice with all of us. Whatever Niklaus and Isabel were going through they seem to be trying to fix it. Jose and Maria were still at each other throats but he wasn't letting her leave him. And just because I made my wife omlettes doesn't mean I am forgiven her words not mine. So I told her that I will continue to make her all the omelettes she wants while continuing to love her until she do which got me a smile. Even our children were back talking to me now that mommy was, they slept the first half of the flight then woke to eat snacks Hazel packed and watched tv on their tablets while Hazel, Arianna, Amelia, and Imani all slept the entire flight Layla only slept half the flight. When we landed Blaze MC members were waiting for us so we didn't have to worry about protection Drax and Arabelle were there as well. Brayden, Trevor, Ryder and Camilia got off one jet to board Brayden's to go back to Georgia he had to work which he told Camilia she could stay spend time with us but I think since he have been standing up to her she is afraid of losing him so she went home with him. But even if he did leave her or he was even cheating she will only be getting what she deserve after cheating on Lukas with him and cheating on him with Drax she had lost her fucking mind sleeping with allies.

Everyone decided to go to their own homes including Christian and Amelia who have been staying with us in Hazel large fucking house but I understood they were still working through their own shit and needed the privacy to do so. Of course my parents came with us and Lukas parents went with him along with Arianna because they were invited to the new mayor balls here too with them being royals and known to do business with Florida. Some of the other parents will fly down tomorrow because they will be on grandparent duties while the guys attend the mayor's ball. Hazel and I gave my parents a break by having a family day she had the cooks to come cook for my parents the whole day while we locked ourselves in the movie room with our children no work of any kind and no phones outside of making sure everyone made it home and letting the Rossi's and Capone's know we were back just the kids, games, movies, paint, and food the whole day we all even fall asleep in the movie room. At 6:30AM my alarm goes off meaning we had to wake Marcie for school even though she was home schooling for now she still had a schedule to follow and had to be logged in with her teacher along with the other kids in her home school class. And the triplets were going back to the preschool Hazel had enrolled them in so we all got up Hazel and I both get the kids ready for the day but she is the only one allowed on hair combing duty. King and Marcus picked up the twins to dropped them with Bao while Graham and Grant took the triplets to school and my parents got up to watch Marcie while she did home school on her MacBook while Hazel and I showered together and got dress to head to Black industries first for meetings that were schedule back to back before we visited all our restaurants here which wasn't easy or short because my wife had added four new restaurant to that list. I wont lie my wife always seems to surprise me at one location it was down a waitress so Hazel grabbed a pad and pen and went out taking orders while I went into the back office to work because this was one of Costello's restaurant meaning I personally over see all the books here myself. Once I had finished going over everything and coming out my office Hazel was behind the bar helping the bartender make drinks so I sit at the bar having her sit a drink down in front of me.

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