The Battle Is Half The War

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  *** Holy Grail*** By: Jay-Z & Justin Timberlake

The offer that Taya made to officer Finn let me know that her and Hazel had already worked out a plan. It was because the moment my wife found out that Chief Woods had prisoners here from the Capone shooting she went to work with Lukas on finding out who the men were no doubt doing a background check to know the things Finn said were true. That meant she brought Taya in on the information as well. The girls were good at keeping things from us especially if they thought we would react badly to it. But things had went just as they planned outside of me losing my shit and breaking one of the cops nose. We ended up getting officer Finn out the hospital unnoticed by anyone or anything because of Ivy Rose and Lukas hacking skills. It was no doubt when the real nurses and doctors returned or woke up they would be surprised to see two of the patients dead and one missing. The news would say that one escape after two died of medical complications or probably wrote it up as a heart attack or allergic reaction from the medication administered under doctors orders according to their medical charts thanks to Hazel and Ivy Rose hacking patients records. The last part was getting Finn and his family out of Florida which Hazel and I allowed them to use our jet. But not before we had a long talk with Finn before we got his family and him loaded onto the jet with Tony and Gabe. Hazel and Taya picked the location which Hazel provided a safe house in Florence that way when the Capone's return to Italy he wouldn't be that far from them. The great thing about having your own personal jet is no real flight manifest it would look like Tony and Gabe got on the jet going to Italy before returning back to Florida. They don't have to walk through the airport to get spotted on camera's here in Miami or in Florence.

Once the jet was safely in the air only then did we pull away I texted Camillo Capone so he wouldn't freak out because King and Marcus had to switch vehicles at the airport from our private collects. Instead of going home we were asked to come back to the Capone house which once inside I didn't mind because I smelled food being cooked and I was starving. Anthony Capone begin to drill us just like dad does after returning from a mission. Everyone was answering his question but Camillo he was looking in the direction that his wife went to answer a call that came through the moment we stepped into the house. When his father asked him a question again still no answer so he asked was he listening to him which Camillo says no he wasn't asking if his wife seems different to him. That makes Hunter answer saying yes that he noticed it the moment they returned home. Pierre her father says she have been training with Rain and his self so she isn't weak or shy anymore. He tells Camillo that Taya is his wife why is he questioning her which makes them proceed to argue about the different in her behavior until she walked in asking what did she miss making everyone stare at her.

Camillo Capone: Are you okay my princess?

She lifts a eyebrow at him asking him what do he mean calling him by his first name. He gives her a pissed off look making Hazel and I both look at them both thinking this isn't going to end good at all.

Camillo Capone: Something have changed with you I see it when I look in your eyes and when I watched that video of you with Sophia and Eva. I even seen it than it like you turned it off.

Taya: What are you trying to say Capone? I am different because I tortured the crazy bitch that tried to have me killed? Oh and lets not forget the fucking crazy psycho ex of yours that was working with her. Which both those bitches had me kidnap along with Cornelius and Philip. I did that because I thought they had information on who tried to kill you and I would fucking do it again if they came for what is mine.

I knew this wasn't going to go good or end well because they both were arguing and angry with else other right now one for thinking the other was hiding something the other from not being trusted.

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