A Walk Down Many Lanes

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***This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things***
Taylor Swift

No Matter How Bad Your Heart Is Broken Is Could Always Be Broken Worst.

I thought that weddings were suppose to be happy, meaningful, and magical you know filled with family, love, and music but this one was hectic and deadly starting from the bride and groom saying I do. Don't get me wrong Hazel and my wedding wasn't what you would call traditional I knew I love her and wanted her. Who am the fuck am I kidding? I needed, desired, and craved her so I pushed our wedding forward to protect her and keep her with me for the rest of my life no matter how long or short I had. But at least we got all the way pass the I do's before anyone tried to kill us because of our union. Because let me tell you we had a lot of people wanted us dead after they found out about it. If I am being honest this day and the day before reminded me of my birthday week in Miami all those years ago when we were all free men, and the men that came to party were only talking about marriage but also wanting to party hard one last time before they were all tied down to marriage. That night before my birthday just like last night we had party hard getting wasted waking up that morning like this morning to have breakfast where we talked about the night before we heard Miguel arguing with Lucia just like that morning but instead of her being pregnant it was about another woman. Before she was sent away just like that day but unlike that day Miguel wouldn't be going to her afterwards when all of this was over I hoped. I had a bad feeling just like I did that day and I ignored it just like I did that day of my birthday but this wasn't my birthday it was Frost bachelor party and wedding. I felt something was off and going to happen but I ignored it for my own selfish gain just like I did again because all the guys telling me no work, no worrying, and no stress now look everything is going to hell. Even I can admit that everything within the ballroom was beautiful and everyone looked in complete bliss but everyone happiness came crashing down having everyone in the room fill with panic, shock, concern, and rage because we all heard the three gun shots being fired within the room which that's what had us shocked and panic because everyone here is family and close friends to either the Luke's or the Knight's. Before anyone could look around to see where the bullets were coming from or who had shot the gun we looked to Frost because we all heard him say fuck I have been shot. That makes the room erupt in panic and concerned for the groom making everyone eyes goes to Frost including his parents who ran up front to him to see the bullet hole within his suit jacket right over his heart but there wasn't any blood running from hole within his jacket.

How in the fuck is that possible?

Rebel finally snaps out of it and immediately start to check him in a panic that's when she opens his jacket to check inside moving a steel metal flask from the inside of his pocket. As she takes it out looking over it that was when we see that the bullet is stuck inside it. That was what Mr. Luke had handed him after he prayed for him and this union a closer look shows me that it have the Luke's and the Knight's MC symbol or crest on it meaning that fucking flask saved his life that and the prayer to god to bless this marriage. We all were so relieved that Frost wasn't really shot and wasn't going to die that we still forgot that it was someone who had attempted to kill him just like someone had attempted to kill Jose that day or was it really me and got Jose instead. Well anyway that was until we heard her speak the person that had pulled the trigger.

Kristina: The next bullet will be in your head! I fucking stayed devoted to you for seven fucking years gave you two children and you fucking throw that away for this bitch?

At the back of the ballroom stands Kristina and twelve other men with guns out pointed at us all of the men had on some kind of cut that had A. F. I. L. A.W on them the same thing that was engraved in the sword on one of the tattoos we noticed on the mystery women. Before I could think to much into it I was pulling out my guns along with some of the other along with security guards in the room. I also noticed that some of the men standing with Kristina are from Blaze MC which I guess he noticed it as well because him, his brothers, and his MC members looked pissed as they stand pointing their guns at Kristina and these men. Have this bitch been working with our enemies? Is she how they know things about us? If Frost doesn't kill this bitch and those dirty fucking rat traitors I will.

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