You Broke Me

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" I Will Walk Through The Gates Of Hell, The Blazing Hot Fire Of Eternal Flames Just To Have Your Love To Feel Your Touch, To Stare Into Those Eyes That Holds My Destiny But One Thing I Will Not Allow Her To Do Is Choose What Days To Cherish And Except My Love That Is Just An Impossibility With The Unconditional Love That I Have For Her"

Words Of A Man Bound And Bonded By Blood, Loyalty, & Love: Marco Leonardo Emanuele George Costello.

Hazel really wasn't happy that her idiot brothers and my idiot brothers took the boys to Wet N Wild where it was basically a naked beach party. She beat my ass for my comment for about five minutes while the others sit and watched. Christian, Lukas, and Amelia even laughed telling her to keep going because I deserved it. When she was done she cried telling me that she was sorry asking if I could make her something to eat. I won't lie I was confused because I wanted to kill her but hold her at the same time so I went with the second option while King made her something to eat. This pregnancy was really different from all the others even when I think about the few months before she gave birth to our little fallen angel than the weeks before she miscarried our baby back in Texas she was always so strong, confident, defiant, and sure now she is all over the place. After I had gotten my wife to calm down we sat and talked to the others because Rebel and Luna had made it back to Italy they were needed for work and by their father for MC work which they are loyal to their MC but mostly it's their parents that they are loyal to so when needed they come running. Just like Blaze did with Imani, Flame did to Luna once she gave herself to him two days later he went to my father and had him to marry them. Well maybe he was more like Lukas when he first met Arianna or myself with Hazel. They both looked happy to be back with each other because when she left he stay behind because he had his twin daughters that came down with his parents. Frost and Rebel were taking it slow they were officially boy-friend and girl-friend and from what Hazel tells me they have been fucking like horny teenagers and Rebel is happy with him but her ex TJ Miller not so much even though he is married with children. He had been calling and texting her more since he found out that she was with Frost. We all sat around talking about everything but work because things were going good no attacks and business was good on all ends everyone we were in business with business was great. This time Layla and Hazel pregnancies were reverse Layla was losing weight barely eating and sick while Hazel was eating everything in sight the weight gain hadn't started yet because she was already thicker from when she was on the birth control shot which got me thinking how did she get pregnant in the first place.

Love how did this happened? I was rubbing my hand over her small bump as I asked this which made her look up at me crazy. In her eyes I could see that she was going to beat my ass again which even though she was a girl and much smaller than me her fucking licks still hurt.

Hazel: What do you mean Costello?

How did you get pregnant? Yep she was going to fucking kill me I saw it in her fucking eyes.

Blaze: What the fuck man?

Hazel sit up quick in my lap glaring at me if I didn't fix this fast she was going to beat my ass again but this time it would definitely not be five minutes or as gently as earlier. What I meant love is you were on the birth control shot last time I asked you to get off you all but chewed my head off for me suggesting it.

Arianna: The Good doctor brother prescribed her antibiotic twice remember it interferes with birth control.

Hazel: But I only finished one round of it because they made me sick and cramp I had gave some to Layla for her toothache along with some of the pain medicine he gave me. I didn't even take any of the second prescription he called in for me because it was the same thing and it made me feel sick to my stomach with horrible cramp that's why I was telling you no to sex.

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