Peace Before Chaos

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"Death leaves a heartache no one can Heal, Love leaves a memory no one can Steal"

*** Comin Out Strong *** Future & The Weeknd

Whoever this bitch was that everyone was keeping a secret was now baiting my wife no one else but Hazel she had become her target which wasn't a good thing not for her and not for Hazel. The moment I heard Hazel screams I stood up running down to see what was happening having the other guys behind me because some of their wives were down here as well with Hazel. When we stepped inside the torture room we all see Millie hanging crucifix style with her eyes, ears, and tongue missing from her fucking body. Even though it angered my wife, myself, and the others to see Millie dead, tortured, and hanging like this I won't lie this bitch had style her handy work is impressed especially with the message that was left in blood it was perfect for the occasion. Hazel love calm down. Hazel fucking head snapped turning at me so fucking fast like Linda Blair in The Exorcist from me telling her to calm down but it wasn't just from my words but because of the scene in front of us all. She wanted to torture and kill Millie but someone had took that from her.

Blaze: Who do we think this was?

Christian: The real question is how did they get in here?

Hazel: No the real question is who am I going to torture and kill?

Love calm down you will have your time I promise. But we need to review the security footage see who came down here within the pass twelve hours. There are camera's all throughout this palace now and thanks to you no one can hack them to erase or alter them. We all see King step forward removing the letter from Millie's body making me ask what is he going to do with it.

King: One there is something on the back, it is address to you as in Hannibal. It says "Vengeance have really hit home you can't save them all just know there is consequences to every decision you make and I have eyes everywhere."

I released Hazel from my arms walking over to King taking the paper turning it over to see the message on the back addressed to myself like he stated. I was reading the message over and over in my head like it was some lyrics to a fucking bad country song which with each word that I read I get more furious by the second but I continued to read over five times because something about this seems familiar not the words but the handwriting I feel I seen it before. King get someone down here to take Millie down. I turn heading upstairs having the others follow us up to the living room where Lukas, Blaze, Luna, Marcus, Arianna, Amelia, and Hazel all went to work on their laptops I guess trying to access the camera system here. Do anyone have a pen? They all look up at me like I am crazy for my question or they don't know what a fucking pen is.

Jose: What do you need a pen for Mar?

To write of course JJ! He looks at me like he wants to shoot me for the nickname but I don't care I was mad that he was fucking questioning me and the fact that no one gave me a fucking pen yet and that he was still fucking calling me Mar. It was Blaze that handed me the pen that I turned and handed to my wife who looked at me crazy.

Hazel: What is this for Costello?

I grabbed a piece of paper from the tablet that Amelia was writing in handing it to Hazel telling her that I want you to write everything on this paper on that paper.

Hazel: What? Why?

Just copy everything on this fucking paper on the new one now! Everyone began to look at me questioningly but Christian, Blaze, Haze, Reid, King, Marcus, Rain, Ghost, and Morris-Lee they all jump up to shield Hazel from me because of my tone.

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