Second Chances

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*** Low Life *** By: Future feat The Weeknd

That night after returning home from New York we all spent time with our families at my parents place I was beginning to think that my parents loved and lived for the house full of noise that now happen when all of their children children's and our extended family and their children comes over. Seeing how mom took to Arianna along with dad made me happy every time a new Fletcher, Boyd, or Hilton woman joined the family dad felt he gained another daughter and was happy about it. Things and times were changing and Hazel, Layla, Arianna, and Aya where proof of that taking all those no good Costello men and setting us straight. That night I seen Lukas smiling again like really smiling being with his children I also seen the loving look that Arianna gave not only her son she shared with Lukas but Aria and Aiden which made me love her too all because they were still Costello's even though they carried the Gambino last name. Which if anyone claimed to know anything about dad and myself family is always first and the love she showed the twins and they showed her in return lets me know she was a good person even after everything Camilia put her through. I sat and watched as my children crawled and walked around playing with their cousins as Hazel sat between my legs on the floor with my arms wrapped around her.

It have now been a week since Jasiel was shot he is doing really well he is up and moving around and everything not letting his wounds keep him down. Maria came back home two days after we returned along with Miguel and Matthieu and their families they will stay until she gives birth. Derrian, Niklaus and Darrius will come down next month for the twins first birthday mom is planning on going over board as always and Hazel is allowing her to have her fun with it just like my father. Aunt Sasha and uncle Jose Sr are raising Lian son they named him Khalil Kade Gambino I hate this for them because of their daughter hateful, evil, selfish ways they are stuck starting over while I know they don't mind and they have the means to do it but this is Lian responsibility not theirs. Tony and Gabe found out that their wives are pregnant again they even went to visit their families for the weekend. Dean and Carmela will be here tomorrow I think he is ashamed that Samantha got away also mad that she threatened is wife and children she even sent someone after them but luckily Hazel had already put extra security on Carmela, Harper, and their families. We have been looking for Hassan Ali and Carlo not knowing who will attack first just know that it would be one of the two. The Hernandez and Escobar members that have been coming for all major mafia families have recently been laying low we haven't heard shit from them which was starting to worry me more then Carlo or Hassan because at the end of the day to come for us or remain hidden so well they had to have some powerful people on their side and at first I thought it was Carlo or even Hassan Ali they were working with but the last few attacks they haven't been involved in. Hazel have been busy working with mom and dad doing charity work making public appearance still helping struggling companies that can't afford good corporate lawyers and also planning Chloe, Harpers, and Maria baby showers neither woman know what they are having so we will all find out at the baby showers only Hazel, Layla, and Arianna knows the genders of the babies and their aren't given up shit. Hazel, King, and myself had to have a talk with Cade because right now we didn't need anymore drama in our lives. He understood that Hazel is off limits that she is mine plus it seems like he had his eyes on someone else he had started talking to Shannon Lavoie Lukas friend but Lukas wasn't mad he said that they were just friends nothing more. The Crane brothers arrived a day after us so I didn't have to fly back to New York to go over the contract for the New York hotel. Cross even brought Camille Moreno down with him which she is Dean cousin. While Tag took to following Liana-Amara around everywhere she went which Jake wasn't happy about because he liked her but once she met Tag Crane I swear it was like love at first sight for the both of them.

My aunt Carabella didn't seem to mind them together since she don't know about the Crane ties to the mafia and Tag is a okay guy I rather him then Banner or even Cross Crane. One is a man-whore and the other is fucking crazy. Christian and Amelia have been keeping a very low profile when it comes to even making appearance at my parents house but I understand why the heat was turned up at Christian company and since Wang-Lei no longer worked for him he had to take care of things himself which meant he leaves Amelia goes with him because he won't leave his family the risk was to great for him he loves his family and her. Besides working both Costello Group and Black Industries along with the more illegal side of our mafia businesses shit I have been working with Layla and Arianna as well the past few days it turns out that Arianna was FBI like Layla but now she is a CIA agent and knows a lot about weapons so we have been modifying the guns and fixing the damaged shipment. So that's what we were doing today when Arianna phone rings in her pocket she takes it out looking at the screen smiling and blushing just like Hazel when I tell her something dirty or sweet Layla smirk leaning over hip bumping Arianna. So is that the new sexy boyfriend I heard my wife mention? She puts her phone back in her pocket.

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