If Not Our Enemies Than Who's?

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*** Whatever It Takes*** By: Imagine Dragons

It was like our enemies had took a break from trying to kill us like they needed time to come up with a better plan before attacking us again. But our extended families wasn't so lucky on their end they were being hit. Christian, Morris-Lee, Wang, Zhang, Haze, and Reid were at Leonardo house while Hazel, King, Marcus, Enrique, Derrian, and Blaze went back to our house the moment we left the Capones our other extended family to go over video footage, make calls to the Rossi's, and find out what the fuck was going on because Leonardo had received a text with a message that read.

( There are three identical trained killers amongst your army each one is exactly the same, one however is a traitor, time is running out the traitor will succeed in killing the army. But which one is the traitor? )

I had been so busy with our shit and the Capone shit that I had forgot to be on top of my program reading everyone emails, texts, and looking through they phone calls until Hazel Marie called Christian for help who call us. After Leonardo got that message he had dinner with his family then left for a meeting with Matthew and Salvatore which they were to meet the others. They left Hazel Marie, Anna, and the children along with the girls bodyguards when there was a loud banging at the door which made them pulled their weapons to answer the door knowing that Leonardo and even Matthew would have a key once they returned. When they open the door they began to freak out because it was Salvatore all beating making Snow worried about Leonardo but also have Anna call 911 which the questions the operator was asking made Snow think and look over Salvatore realizing that he wasn't in the same clothes he had just left with Leonardo in but the same clothes she remembered him having on that night her father was killed which before he passed out he slurred that he isn't him. Which if that was Salvatore who the fuck is that with Leonardo? Snow and I were still trying to get in touch with him his tracker had him at home with her meaning he didn't wear it and his phone was offline just like everyone else that was suppose to attend that fucking meeting and he didn't tell Snow where the meeting was being held. The moment my father was made aware he was on the phone with his brother who was now boarding a jet with the Ferrari's because Salvatore wasn't a twin so that mean he definitely wasn't a triplet. Which meant that fucking message to Leonardo didn't make sense or it couldn't be about Salvatore. I had pulled the security footage from the Rossi's house here in Miami so we could see for ourselves what had happened and what was going on there now. I hook my MacBook laptop to the tv in our living room and rewind the footage from the foyer camera pausing at the moment they pulled their weapons out. Snow makes her bodyguards stay hidden and she opens the door which Salvatore stands there beating badly as fuck with cuts across his chest before he falls into Snow arms.

King: What the fuck is going on?

Marcus: Try rewinding it to when Salvatore and Anna first arrived so we can see the different between him and that one.

I do as Marcus asked even pulling up footage before the attack right afterwards. As we work I see and I heard Hazel on the phone with Snow while Enrique, Blaze, and Derrian were still trying the others on top of trying to get men searching the streets. Dad was making calls for those that stayed behind in Italy to make sure they were all good just in case someone wanted to be brave and go after those there. Now that we knew it was more of us we were coming together the Costello's, Rossi's, and the Capone's along with all of our extended mafia families that live in Europe but so was our enemies they were all working together somehow according to Hazel and Carlo Jr. Everyone was now looking out for everyone just to keep each other alive. Hazel hands us all glasses that mom, Grace, and Dreka filled with almond brown warm cognac. What did Hazel Marie say love?

Hazel: Haze, Reid, and their men are at the house with Annetta, the children, and Ivy Marie while Anna, the real Salvatore, Dad, Christian, and my brothers are at the hospital near their house he will make it but they had to admit Anna because she went into labor early. Oh and there is still no word on the others.

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