Toy Soldiers

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*** Like Toy Soldiers*** By: Eminem

The life of a gangster always only have one guarantee and that is that none of us will see heaven.

"Be Careful who you call your friends. I'd rather have four quarters than one hundred pennies" - Al Capone

I think my heart stopped beating in my chest and not just from Hazel words that Millie was an traitor but the gun shots that sounded off before the line went dead because this was different the girls had been kidnapped before but always by someone that wanted them or something from them but this was different because Millie hated Hazel, Hazel Marie, Ivy Marie, and Aya they had also hated her it wasn't a secret the only reason they were even together was because of Miley who had begged Hazel to help her sister because of her nephew. Millie didn't care that the girls were pregnant if killing Hazel gets her whatever it is that she wanted she would without a doubt kill her. I know it was an reason I didn't trust that bitch.

Blaze: Marco what are we going to do man?

Lukas: Marco what do you want us to do?

Camilia: This is Miley fault Millie is her sister she is the one that had Hazel to help her. What the fuck is you and your sister planning? I told you guys we couldn't trust her.

Amelia: Shut the fuck up Cam! Miley isn't the enemy she is a Costello. She will never hurt Hazel.

Both of you shut up please! Miley do you know where would Millie take them or who Millie could be working with?

Miley: No we weren't close especially after she slept with my ex husband. I was living in Venice and than Spain with Mason while Millie was living in the states before she came down to Venice. She told me that she had been living here in Rome for the last five years helping our mom.

Blaze: Do you know where she worked or lived here?

Lukas: Did she hang around anyone or talk to anyone on the phone around you?

Miley reads off Millie address which is in Rome high rise penthouse district. I know because it's the same building that Lukas have an apartment in and the same high rise building that Seltzer lived in.

Jose: How in the fuck does she afford an apartment in that building on an secretary salary?

I don't fucking know but we are going to find out!

Enrique: It's no fucking coincidence that she is living in that same building that the fucking rat bastard was living in man.

Lukas get me everything you can find on Millie I even want to know that bitch blood type.

Camilia: Do you guys really thinks she doesn't know anything?

Damarco: Shut the fuck up and if you can't do that leave out please! We have enough to deal with than to add your fucking petty jealously on to this. Didn't Melia tell you already Miley is family.

Camilia leaves out the room without another word making Damarco go pour him self a drink because Aya is with the other girls so this have to be hell on him as well. I don't won't to think negative but I can't help it I heard the gunshots if not dead Hazel is hurt and needs help. My phone rings making everyone got quiet and still looking at me but it's just Morris-Lee letting me know the girls aren't at the courthouse. Only their phones were left behind along with Hazel Marie and Ivy Marie weapons which some people there seen masked men disarm them putting them into a white van with no license plates. He tells me that they are still searching the area and talking to people. Of course Millie would know that we could track them through their phones she had been around the last time the girls were taken and knew how we were planning on locating them now. It wasn't just that bitch know that the girls all carried guns and were well trained she probably had them drugged. We ended the call and there was no need to tell the others what was said because I had it on speaker.

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