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               *** Savin' Me *** By: Nickelback

The whole house became pitch back right after my wife had a crazy moment so not only was I trying to think fast on how to get my boys out of this horrible situation alive I was also concern for my wife sanity. In the dark nothingness I heard my boys scream out for Hazel and myself along with other noises but there screams were the only thing that matter to me at the moment because I couldn't pull my gun to shot anyone because I was to horrified I would hit one of my children but the panic, concern, and darkness only lasted a few minutes two or three at the most because then the lights came back on and we see Hazel standing there holding Amir and Armani while Aya is leaning over Damarco putting pressure on his stab wound talking to him softly the whole fucking thing had me confused. All eight men necks are broken their lifeless bodies just lay there on the floor. Mr. Ace and Mr. Young are passed out on the floor I know they are knocked out and not dead like the others because their chest rise and fall from their breathing.

Hazel: It is okay mommy little princes you two are okay mommy will not let those bad men hurt you ever again.

I heard Hazel speaking those words to our boys as my parents call for the guards to get a car and get Damarco into it Aya turns telling her brothers King and Marcus to watch the twins and Aurora until she returns she says in a panic so they both agreed looking worried for their sister and my brother. Emilio and Camillo leaves to follow my parents to the hospital along with some of the guards because at this moment we can't afford for any more mishaps. I ordered some of the maids to come clean up the blood then I turn towards Hazel and my boys which everyone does the same thing looking at her in wonder, shock, and concern as she was talking to the boys to calm them down. Love what just happened and how did you know things would be alright? She doesn't take her eyes off of our boys as she turns towards us to speak knowing I am not the only one that wanted answers.

Hazel: Aya, Abrielle, Mirabella, Kehlani, Rose, and Rain.

Reid and Haze both give her a evil look and Haze even growls at her.

Reid: What the fuck beautiful?

Hazel finally looks up rolling her eyes at both of them.

Hazel: Okay Haze and Reid helped too.

Lukas: Excuse me princess you said Rain helped but Rain isn't here.

That was a great point he wasn't here no one seen him before or after all of this.

Rose: Rain is wherever Hazel, Mia, and Amariah will be we might not see him but he will follow them to the ends of the world just like Haze, Reid, and all of the Hilton women have swear to protect Armani, Amir, and Amari for the rest of their lives. You never asked yourself how or why they started coming after the children started coming? Even King, Marcus, Rain, Reid, and Haze lives all belong to princess Noisette.

At that moment King, Marcus, Reid, and Haze all bowed toward Hazel speaking in French which is the main language spoken in the parts of Africa her forefathers are from saying ( Ma vie t' apportient ) meaning my life belongs to you.

Hazel: Stop! And don't remind me or anyone else Rose please.

King laughs looking at Hazel as they all stand back up straight from their bow only doing so when Hazel tells them to stop. Hazel glares at him rolling her eyes.

Marcus: Is our princess keeping secrets from her husband?

What? What is he talking about?

Hazel: Marcus keep your fucking mouth shut!

Marcus: Oh why would I do that when this is so much fun HD don't you agree?

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