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"Ten Years Later"

*** 7 Years *** Lukas Graham

Mia: Papa! Papa I know you hear me calling you this place maybe big but I know you can hear me Dad!

I was wrong when I thought that the years to come would be peaceful. I spoke to fast enjoying the peaceful atmosphere in that moment. We had small battles over the years with small mafia bosses trying to come for our territory when they thought we were at our weakest because what was lost in the fifteen year or sixteen year war but we all came together fought and went back to our territory. We all still came together for summer breaks, and holidays but everyone is in different countries, states, and cities but we were still family time and distance wouldn't change that. One of our hardest battles was coping with the lost of my mother five years after we killed our enemies my mom died because the cancer came back with a vengeance out of nowhere claiming her life. Then three years after she died Hazel lost her mom Gladys in a plane crash. I know it is horrible to say but this time she is really is dead unlike the last time we thought she was but she was really alive. My aunt Carabella took it really hard because Gladys was the love of her life after she divorced Mitch. My father is still living and healthy as a horse he likes to say. We haven't lost anymore friends or parents since that day which was a good thing but at the moment I wish I lost my hearing because Mia keeps screaming my name like she is a got damn mad woman. Having daughters that are stubborn just like their mother equals no peace in the Costello household. Hazel had the right idea wanting all boys.

Vincenzo: You want peace marry her off to Emilien.

Not funny old man!

Mia: I heard that grandpere!

Vincenzo: I was just joking princess. Now come give your pop-pop a hug.

As she hug my father he started a conversation with her making me try to sneak off to get away from whatever she wanted knowing that it would get me in trouble. It worked for about twenty minutes but as I sat in the family room trying to watch a game Mia and Hazel both made their way into the room both looking like they wanted to murder each other and put me in the middle of it. Before you two come and interrupt my peace Mia princess your mom is always right and Hazel love Mia is twenty five years old you have to let her hit her head and learn the hard way. I turn back towards the tv but from the corner of my eyes I see that they are both giving me dirty looks. I paused the game sitting all the way forward giving them all my attention since I know this won't end until I do. Okay what is it?

Mia: As you know I graduated college last year so know I want to move to Florida and run things there. And before you say I am to young I am the same age as Armani and Amir which you and mom allowed them to run all the hotels, bars, restaurants, and clubs we have. Even Amari, Marcos, and Marco help out and I am older than them.

She have a point love.

Hazel: Costello she is a girl they are boys.

Mia: And what are you mom? Again I can run my own country join the army service multiple countries by being apart of the FBI, CIA, NSA, MI6 become a trained killer all before I was twenty one but not rule and run a few businesses?

Hazel: That is right! Why don't you help Amariah and your cousins with Black Industries or even help your sister Willa Denise with Black Oil it is yours after all.

Mia: I don't wont that! Come on papa I want to do this let me prove I can please.

I look over at my love at Mia words because she was right she could do this she have trained all her life for this not just the boys and she knows everything about the business from her going to work with me on the legal and illegal business plus she can protect herself better than any woman I know outside of the girls in our time of course. Before Hazel could get a word out Marcie and Blaze Jr walk in the room with our grandson and granddaughter which we didn't even know that they were even in Rome. Marcie comes over and hugs me handing me Alessia Denise who she named after her real mom and Hazel which Blaze Jr went to Hazel handing her little Blaze kissing her cheek. At first we thought it was weird the two dating than getting married because Blaze Jr is really Hazel biological son and Marcie is our daughter but I had to remember that she isn't really Hazel's so it made it okay.

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