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*** I'II Find You *** By: Lecrae

Everything was like something out of the twilight zone I didn't trust Damarco but I didn't not trust him either if I am being honest after I stop thinking of him with his arms around my wife holding her body to his and just looked at him as him a person possibly my brother I seen myself within him well the him that others would want me to be reasonable, kind, caring, and nice. Damarco met the whole family that night because no one could sleep my parents called the rest of the Costello and Gambino family members over to our house explaining everything to the ones that where unaware of moms pregnancy with identical twins when she was pregnant with me of course they had plenty of questions but for now we just left it at what mom wanted to tell them for now. Damarco and Amelia argue the whole night she even called me a asshole and blamed me for this whole mess that is happening saying bad enough it was one of me now she have to deal with two making him pull her into a hug and kiss her head which was my go to with her after pissing her off. For some reason Camilia and him didn't really click he understood that she was our sister too but the bond wasn't there but the twins liked him well enough they said that I am still their favorite though and Damarco is just a knock off version making everyone laugh. Damarco agreed to lay low at the palace with my parents who he calls Gabriela and Vincenzo he even agreed to another DNA test which I requested because Lian and Carlo could have had those results tampered with. Every time we questioned him about anything he can remember about Carlo, Lian, William, and Lucian he answered honesty how we knew because Hazel said that he is like me she can tell when he is being untruthful. He doesn't know anything about Carlo whereabouts they always came to his place to meet him and the one place Carlo did take him have been cleaned out. Haze sent some of his men to raid the place that's is how we knew because they went in with a live feed that way we could see live and it was empty not even a piece of paper left behind. He spoke with his adoptive parents telling them he took a job in America just to stop them from worrying about him you can tell they were good to him and he loves them but also just in case someone started asking question about where he was he wanted them safe so dad even put security on his adoptive parents.

It turns out that Damarco is a really good architect and he is really good with computer software. I guess he really is a Costello because that something that we get from our father and his father. Speaking of my father he is working on helping him get his own company and name out there just as soon as we can figure out what to do with Carlo and how to spin this story because this one will be one for the books. It's now the 4th of July I get up early this morning waking my wife up as well with me lately she haven't been a morning person at all. I go to the children room to see they are already woke Armani was able to get out of his bed somehow and into Amir bed. Good morning daddy's little monkeys. Mia reaches first saying dada so I grab her first then the boys. Hazel already have their clothes laid out for them to wear. Our choice in clothing for the children are completely different well her choice in children clothing is completely different from my family. This woman have access to a unlimited amount of money and the only time I see our children in any type of designer clothing is for events, parties, or family pictures day whenever I asked about it or spend money on designer clothing for them she says Marco they aren't old enough to know who or what designer they are wearing and besides they will just mess them up or out grow them so why spend all the money on designer. So now I use King, Marcus, Amelia, Harper, Mom, or Carmela, as their personal shoppers. Which they never disappoint and none of them are scare to get on Hazel bad side when it comes to shopping. I get the boys dress first because their the easiest to dress they don't fight with me like Mia which getting her dress takes some time. Hazel came in getting their bag together before taking over getting Mia dress so I could get dress. Once I am dress I find Hazel bent over the bed again like last time. Are you okay love?

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