Barely Breathing

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                 *** Love The Way You Lie***

The early morning started rough because Jade decided to text me around one in the fucking morning naked pictures which my wife saw. I was able to fix it with my love and made mad passionate love to her body which lead us to have a late night family dinner with her cousins and mine along with some of our friends while watching movies. Which for us the night turned into day and we were brought breakfast by the girls. So everything was going great until that son of bitch Marco Gordon texted Taya trying to fucking justify raping her with love fucking sick pervert. But again we somewhat recovered from that or should I say she did until Camillo angered her later on that day. Of course I couldn't go untouched in this merry go round of triangle of women that wants what they can't have. Jade fucking texted me just as Camillo had pissed off Taya and Hazel off which had me back in the fucking dog house with my wife. Now when shit got just a little better if had to become worst because that is how it works for men like us this mother fucker Marco Gordon in now here in the same fucking room with us, with us knowing we can't fucking kill him because of his allegations against Camillo Capone of kidnap and torture having the fucking bruises to prove it which Camillo beat the fuck out of him which it wasn't for the reasons he is telling. But it was because he helped those bitches Sophia and Eva kidnap my wife and her cousins along with the help of one of the bitches that I had no doubt play a role in it because she was in love with Camillo. As I thought about and pictured my hands dripping with Marco Gordons blood this mother fucker stood there looking our way with a fucking smile on his face which Camillo looked like he couldn't fucking control his rage he was going to lost it and shoot him which would land him in jail along with us because if the Gordon men reacted I was going to fucking kill all those fuckers behind family.

Emilio Capone: Camillo calm the fuck down man we all want him dead just like you but this is what he wants for you to react badly in front of everyone to prove himself right to help his case that he is trying to file against you man.

Hazel: Marco talk to Camillo he doesn't need to do this not right here not right now.

I tried talking to him as my wife asked just as the others did but Gordon was edging him on smiling, smirking, and winking at him and Taya that's when Hazel whispered something into his ear than Taya making her agree with her as she leads Camillo to the dance floor. I think he thought he was being lead over to Gordon to kill him but she leads Camillo to the dance floor. Which I could tell surprised the hell out of him especially when Taya pull his face to hers making him look into her eyes as she goes onto her tiptoes and kissed him hard and long as "The Only One For Me" by Brian McKnight plays. We can all see that it distracted him as he pulled her deeper into him before they began to dance around the room. I pulled my wife into a dance as well because I love this song. I could tell she was angry with me still so I lean down and sing the song into her ear. I told her once that she's the only one for me and I meant it nothing or no one was taking her from me or me from her because I realized my mistakes through the years of having her I realized all the wrong ways I loved her and I was now trying to make this right. I know one night, one day, or one week wouldn't fix years of broken trust of pain that I caused but I wanted to fix it no matter how long it took. Was I perfect? "Fuck No!" but did I love the women in my arms HELL YES! Could I live without her? Hell No! That would kill me. The next song Perfect Duet came on and we stayed there on the dance floor and dance to that seeing that the others and their wives were dancing as well with us. I turned to spin my wife around that was when I caught sight of King and Chloe dancing which I see the way he look at his wife it was the same way I look at mine that makes me feel foolish of being jealous of the dance he shared with Hazel it's Chloe that have his heart in that way. But when I hurt my wife in anyway I have to remember that Marcus or King will run to her rescue to make sure that she doesn't feel alone or sad for long because the love they have for her it's the same as a big brother to a little sister. I understand that now because I am the same when it comes to my sisters that includes Satan my baby sister Amelia. Right before the song ends I walk my wife over to the side with Blaze, Imani, Pyro, Carmela, along with the other Knights because my phone had rung and I needed to take the call because it was Zale and he only ever called when it's important.

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