Down for the Count

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The quality of our lives depends not on whether or not we have conflicts, but on how we respond to them. - Thomas Crum -

At Georgia words I started to really look at the woman on the screen trying to see my father in her but than my laptop pinged letting me know I got a hit on her location. The moment that I noticed it so does Hazel and Blaze making their eyes become enlarged because it is coming from outside the palace. I get up fast as hell running out the family room through the halls of the foyer out the door to see the black Ferrari speeding away but before she gets completely away I was able to see that it really was Georgia she had been watching the house probably even watching her girls and Gideon. I know if I was her having Hazel and my kids with someone that my family considered the enemy I would watch from a far to keep them safe hell I would bust in guns blazing to get my family out rather they wanted me to or not.

Pyro: Do you want us to go after her?

Vincenzo: No! I made a promise to my brother Gideon I won't be like the others and break it. And if this news turns out to be true her life is her own again. Where is Tony and Gabe?

They are with King and Marcus going to search Elena secret home here.

Haze: We will go Reid, Wang, Zhang, Camillo, Emilio, and I just send the address.

My father and I both thank them having Gideon to seen them the address as Hazel gets up to hug her brothers, my brothers, Reid and Haze telling them to be safe, careful and she loves them all. Do you believe that what Georgia said is true? I mean if that is true your mom have been alive for almost what the last twenty years without letting you know. I mean we buried her we mourned her every year we visited her grave on her birthday to pay our respects.

Hazel: But if what Georgia said is true this is all Antonio fault she had to go into hiding to protect herself she shouldn't be at fault for protecting herself when she felt no one else could. Antonio have been at this for years because of his greed and hatred something that had nothing to do with your grandparents.

Hazel was right but it still didn't make any of this any better not for me not for my father on top of that Georgia words to Hazel and myself were now running through my mind that Antonio and this mystery woman have been trying to kill all of our children before they even had a chance to take their own first breathe outside the wound. But those mother fuckers did manage to get the job done with our little fallen princess she didn't deserve any of this. Hell my siblings, their children, our friends and families didn't deserve any of this because this, all of it had to do with secret, lies, greed, and hatred that was pointed the wrong way. When I look at Hazel sitting with the boys working on her laptop I see that she is also watching me closely, even Morris-Lee, Ghost, and Rain watched me closely so I go take a seat next to her having her stop what she was doing and wrapping her arms around me tightly.

Hazel: I love you Mar.

I love you more than anything in this world my angel. I rub my hand down her cheek looking into her golden hazel eyes that are magical still seeing my everything in them.

Zia: If this is true about your mother king Vincenzo does this mean our mother is completely off limits to all of you?

My father looks at me, Hazel than all the other mafia families in the room making eye contact with every boss and their fathers but in Niklaus case his mother since she is the elder in the Corvin family before he speak.

Vincenzo: Yes! Zia and please call me uncle Vince after all I am your father brother. But to the rest of you if Georgia isn't coming after us anymore and have completely stepped aside from helping Arman and any of our enemies she is under the Costello protection.

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