First day of hell

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As he lay in bed, the sound of his phone ringing loudly pierced through the silence of the empty room. The joyful sunlight seeped through the old dusty curtains and crept into every corner. His mother's voice, calling him from the kitchen, shattered the peaceful setting. "Oi, brat, turn off your phone and get your ass in the kitchen!" Cody groaned as he slowly drifted back to awareness. His mean mother was already yelling at him to get up, even though it was still early in the morning. She didn't care about how tired he was, or how he still needed a few more minutes of sleep. She only cared about herself, and didn't care about how her son felt. Cody felt tired and annoyed, but he knew there was no point in arguing with her. He just wanted to go back to sleep. He quickly turned off his phone and made his way into the kitchen, where his "loving" mother stood waiting. Cody sighed deeply, reminded of the daily misery he was forced to endure. But there was no time to wallow in self-pity, as he knew that his mother wasn't the patient sort. She continued to shout at him, demanding that he hurry up and get ready for school. He was too exhausted to argue, so he just nodded mechanically and did as he was told. His mother's anger and bullying seemed never-ending, but he kept his head down and waited for the day to finally be over. What kind of life was this? Cody was forced to finish breakfast quickly, because he knew there was no time to waste. His mother yelled at him, urging him to hurry up, as if the minutes he was spending eating were precious. He was so tired, but he knew it was no use trying to explain this to his mother. She didn't care about how he felt, she only cared about herself and her own needs. As soon as he had finished eating, she grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the house. " Move it brat I got some work to do!" as she screamed she slammed the door behind her.

Cody was already miserable by the time he arrived at school, and his misery only got worse when he walked into the hallway and saw Duncan, one of the most popular and meanest. As Duncan saw Cody, he smirked and started walking towards him. Cody looked around for help, but no one seemed to notice or care that he was being targeted. He knew he wasn't strong enough to stand up to Duncan, so he just tried to ignore him and hurry past. Yep, this year's gonna suck. He thought to himself. As he walked down the tight and loud hall Cody bumped into a tall pretty brown haired girl. The girl had straight, long, brown hair. She was always very proper and well-groomed, with perfectly aligned clothes and accessories. When she spoke, it was with an air of authority and certainty, as if her words were law. In her eyes, there was no room for compromise or debate, she always had to be right. Even though she could be considered pretty, her attitude often made her seem unattractive and unfriendly. To Cody's left he could see Duncan stopped talking to whoever he was talking to and started walking towards me and the brunette. Duncan's smile faded as he pushed Cody up against the wall. "I've seen how you've been looking at my girlfriend, and it has to stop," he growls in Cody's face, his fists clenched at his sides. Cody was shocked and confused by what Duncan was saying - was Duncan talking about that girl that he bumped into? He wasn't interested in anyone. But Duncan wasn't listening to his explanations as he continued to threaten him. "If I ever catch you looking at my girlfriend again, I'll make sure you regret it," he said threateningly. He was loud, bold, and brash. Together, him and that girl Courtney made a powerful couple, even though their different personalities sometimes caused tension in their relationship. Courtney and Duncan had been arguing all day, and it didn't seem like it would end soon. Their relationship was riddled with tension and misunderstandings, and it seemed like they were always at odds with each other. As Courtney made her way to class, she was still thinking about their fight and how Duncan didn't understand her perspective. She couldn't believe that he was making such a big deal out of nothing. Duncan was always so stubborn and unreasonable, and it was starting to take its toll on her.

Cody walked a few steps behind Duncan and Courtney, trying to stay out of their way. He was still feeling anxious and miserable from his encounter with Duncan earlier, but he tried to blend in with the crowd. Cody kept his head down as he entered the classroom, aware that he was the new kid and didn't have any friends. He didn't want to draw any attention to himself, so he made his way over to an empty seat in the back of the room and sat down. As he looked around, he felt anxious and overwhelmed by the noise from the other students. He hoped that he would be able to find someone to talk to, but it was hard to make friends when he was so nervous. All he could do was wait and see what would happen. As the day went on, Cody's anxiety and loneliness only grew. Everyone seemed to be part of their own group, and he felt like he didn't fit in anywhere. He tried to make small talk with some of the people around him, but they seemed uninterested. Cody was starting to think that he would never find a place at this new school.

As Cody made his way through the bustling hallway, he accidentally bumped into someone. When he looked up, he saw a blonde-haired boy with a round face and a smile on his lips. Owen was immediately apologetic and offered Cody his hand to help him up. As Cody accepted Owen's help, he noticed that Owen was with a girl named Izzy. She had wild bright ginger hair and a feisty attitude, and she looked like she was ready to take on the world. Cody was instantly drawn to their friendly and welcoming energy. Cody and Owen introduce themselves to each other and Owen invites Cody to sit with them. As they start chatting, Cody can't help but notice the playful and dynamic energy between Owen and Izzy. Izzy laughs at all of Owen's jokes, and Owen smiles at every comment Izzy makes. This is a girl who is completely herself, and she doesn't care if people think she's strange or weird. She's not afraid to be herself, and Cody envies her confidence and boldness. As they talk more, Cody finds that he's starting to relax and feel at home with this group. Maybe school isn't that bad after all. Cody thought to himself as Izzy was trying to make Owen laugh.

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