Truth or Dare!

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Geoff looked over at Lindsay, who seemed to be thinking. Moments later, she made her decision. "Truth," she said. "Okay, truth it is," Geoff replied with a smile. He raised his eyebrows in anticipation. "Alright, here's my question: What's your biggest fear?" Lindsay looked a bit nervous but eventually answered. "My biggest fear is... getting a bad haircut!" Geoff nodded, impressed by her answer. "That's deep," he said. "Yay, it's my turn!" Lindsay said, smiling brightly. "I choose... Harold!" Harold looked excited. "Awesome. Dare! I'm a master at everything, so I've trained in kung fu!" Harold sounded proud of himself. Lindsay thought for a moment before Kitty suggested, "I dare you... uh..." She paused for a moment, thinking, before saying, "I dare you to confess your dying love for Leshawna!" Harold was shocked by the suggestion. Everyone was surprised by this turn of events.  "Leshawna, you're my baby girl forever!" Harold bragged, sounding proud. "With my amazing kung fu skills, I will always protect you." Everyone in the group laughed in amusement. It seemed like Harold was really in love with Leshawna, and his expression was both sweet and funny. "Oh, Harold," Leshawna blushed, as she put her hands over her face. "You don't have to do that for me." "But..." Harold said, sounding confused. "Oh, Harold! You don't have to do that for me." Leshawna blushed and put her hands over her face. She was clearly touched by Harold's gesture. "But then, how do I show my love for you?" Harold asked, confused. He was clearly struggling with how to express his feelings for Leshawna. "I don't know," Leshawna said. "Maybe just be yourself around me?" "But I don't want to bore you!" Harold said, sounding panicked. "Harold, stop talking nonsense and pick a person already!" Kitty yelled, obviously tired of Harold's constant chatter. Harold looked startled and turned to the other people in the group, unsure of what to do. He eventually pointed to Bridgette. "Uh... okay..." he said nervously, "I choose you, Bridgette." "Me? Why me?" Bridgette asked, looking confused. "Ermm.. It's a part of the game," Harold said, rolling his eyes. "Do you want me to explain the rules to you?" "Yeah, nah, I think I'll be fine," Bridgette replied, laughing. "Anyways, truth!" Harold laughed back. "When was your last make out session with Geoff?" he asked. "Harold!" Bridgette yelled. "A truth is a truth, though," Harold smirked. "5 minutes ago...." "Dammit you can't go one day without you and Geoff making out!" Harold said, laughing even harder. "Excuse me?" Bridgette asked, looking annoyed. "I'm just going to ignore you now!" Bridgette said, rolling her eyes.

The game continued until 12am, with many juicy truths and funny and scary dares. The only people who hadn't been picked were Noah, Emma, and Owen.
By this point it was getting late, and everyone was feeling a bit tired. But they were determined to finish the game and find out everyone's secrets. After all, what's the truth or dare without some drama? They wanted to know what Noah had to hide, what Emma had to share, and the truth about Owen. But by now it felt like a losing battle. The game had been going for hours, and everyone was starting to get cranky. They were determined to finish though! No more avoiding tough questions. No more stalling on dares. Now it was time to play the final round and find out the truth. The problem was that Owen was like an open book. He couldn't keep secrets to save his life. Meanwhile, Emma was the opposite—she could sue you if you tried hard enough. With them, the game felt a bit stale. But there was hope! The only person who might have any juicy truth or daring dares was Noah. Everyone looked to Noah to find out if he had any skeletons in his closet. It seemed like he was the only one with any potential for drama, after all! "Noah, truth or dare!" Kitty said, sounding excited. Noah looked up from his book and said, "Oh how fun, you chose me." Noah's voice was dripping with sarcasm. "Truth, I guess?" Noah said, still sounding bored. "Aww, don't be so bored!" Kitty said in a playful tone. "This will be fun, I promise." "Yeah, yeah, truth or dare?" Noah said, rolling his eyes. What choice would Noah make? "Oooh! That's daring of you, Noah," Kitty said with a wink. "Okay, I dare you... to kiss the person sitting next to you!" The group laughed, but Noah looked horrified. It seemed like he wasn't expecting such a bold dare. What would Noah do now? Noah turned and looked to his left, where Emma was sitting. She was his ex-girlfriend but now one of his closest friends. And to his right, he saw Cody, a boy he had had a crush on since forever. Noah was horrified. He couldn't believe that this was his situation. What should he do? He looked at Kitty, who was watching him with eager anticipation, waiting for him to make a choice. "Well... what shall it be, Noah?" she asked. "Emma or Cody who are you gonna chose to kiss?" Kitty teased. Noah looked over at Emma and Cody, both of whom he had complicated feelings for. He couldn't believe this was happening. What should he do? "C'mon Noah, don't keep us waiting!" Kitty said excitedly, "Emma or Cody, who are you gonna kiss?" Everyone in the group seemed to hold their breath, waiting for Noah's answer. Who would Noah choose? Would he dare to kiss Cody, his crush? Or would he play it safe with Emma, his friend? Would either of them be willing to kiss Noah back? Emma looked up from her phone and heard what the dare was. "Kitty, what are you doing?!" she asked, sounding a bit taken aback. "And Noah, if you kiss me, I'll be suing you!" Emma's tone shifted, and she tried to play it off as a joke. "But seriously, don't!" At the same time, Cody stopped his conversation with Trent and looked over at Noah and Kitty. He was probably wondering what was going on and if he should intervene in any way. "Uh, guys," Cody said, looking around nervously and wondering what was going on. "I dared Noah to kiss either you or Emma," Kitty clarified. Everyone in the group looked at Noah, who was now facing an impossible choice. Would he kiss Cody, his crush? Or Emma, his friend? Or would he reject Kitty's dare and refuse to choose? What would Noah decide? Would he follow through with the daring dare? Or would he find another way to respond? "Emma, sorry about this," Noah said, slightly embarrassed. "Noah, don't you dare!" Emma scolded. "I'd sue you if you did!" Noah looked away as his face flamed red. Suddenly, Emma pushed Noah back, and he ended up falling into Cody. Noah's blush darkened as Cody looked at him, surprised by the sudden contact. It seemed like Noah had fallen for Cody quite literally! Noah and Cody were now face to face, their noses mere centimetres apart. Everyone else in the group was holding their breath, waiting to see what would happen next. Emma, who had pushed Noah into Cody, froze as she saw the two boys so close to each other. For a moment, the only sound was Noah's and Cody's breathing. They were both flushed, clearly embarrassed by this turn of events. 

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