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Noah finally woke up that afternoon and headed to the group at the lake. Everyone was just hanging out and doing their own things. "Hey guys!" Noah said. "Hey Noah buddy! How was your sleep?" Owen asked, trying not to bring up what had happened that morning. Noah laughed nervously and nodded. "Yeah, good. You know me, always a deep sleeper." He tried to sound casual, but he could sense that there was something on everyone's mind, waiting to be addressed. When Noah sat down next to Cody and Kitty, Kitty started giggling. Cody blushed hard and tried not to make eye contact with Noah. "Uh guys, is everything okay? You guys are acting weird," Noah asked, confused. Cody just stayed silent, not wanting to bring even more attention to the situation. He hoped that maybe Noah wouldn't bring it up, and they could all move on with their day, like nothing had ever happened. Kitty continued to giggle, then she turned to Noah and asked: "Noah, do you seriously not remember what happened this morning?" "I just woke up," Noah said again. "Oh my lord!" Kitty yelled. Everyone else in the group was suddenly paying attention to their conversation. They were curious to know what had happened between Noah and Cody this morning, and why Kitty was so upset about it. Kitty went over to Gwen, Heather, Justin, Leshawna, and Bridgette and started whispering. "Guys!" she said. "Noah actually doesn't remember what happened this morning!" "No way!" Leshawna said. "He's just playing dumb." "But what if he's not?" Bridgette said, a little concerned. "Then we're about to have a lot of fun!" Heather said, laughing. Everyone else in the group was listening, hoping to hear what happened that morning between Noah and Cody. Kitty whispered some more to the group, who were all eager to hear what Noah had gotten himself into. Heather looked over to Noah, who was still minding his own business by the lake. Meanwhile, Gwen tapped Noah on the shoulder. "Hey Noah," she said. "Kitty was just telling us what happened to you earlier." "What?" Noah asked, looking up. "I don't know what you're talking about." Kitty giggled to herself, ready to mess with Noah a bit more. "Don't play dumb with me, Noah," Gwen said in a joking tone. "Kitty just told us what happened between you and Cody." "Seriously, I don't remember," Noah protested. "I must have been really tired or something." Heather and others in the group were now listening in on the conversation. They could sense some tension between Noah and Cody, and they wanted to find out the truth. "Are you sure?" Heather prodded. "Your memory seems perfectly fine right now."  Noah sighed. "Look, I honestly don't remember what happened that morning. Something did happen, though?" Kitty looked over to Noah and nodded. "You really don't remember?" Noah shook his head. "No." "Well, I can remind you if you want! It was one heck of a kiss!" Kitty said. Everyone else in the group was listening intently, excited to see what Noah would say next.  Bridgette explained everything that happened that morning to Noah, from Owen asking questions to Noah going back to bed and kissing Cody. Noah looked shocked. "I did what?" he said. "Who, what, when, how, why?" He seemed genuinely confused. Bridgette felt bad and was trying to help him understand what had happened. "So Noah, you kissed Cody this morning because Owen was asking what happened last night and you went back to bed," Bridgette explained again. "Oh no!" Noah panicked. "I should say sorry! What was I thinking?" "Does Cody hate me?" he asked Bridgette , desperate for an answer. Bridgette shook her head and smiled. "Not at all, Noah," she said. "We all know it was just a joke, and Cody still likes you." Noah relaxed and smiled back. He was relieved that Cody didn't hate him after that morning and glad that everyone seemed to be okay with the situation. After talking with Bridgette and the other girls, Noah approached Cody and cleared his throat. "Cody, can I talk to you?" he asked. Cody looked up at Noah and nodded. "Yeah?" he said, trying not to make eye contact. Noah shifted uncomfortably. "I just wanted to apologise for what I did this morning. It was a mistake, and I don't want it to change anything between us." Noah tried to sound sincere, but he was still feeling awkward and embarrassed by the situation. "Noah, it's fine, honestly," Cody said, trying to sound mean. "I'm just confused why you did that." "I know," Noah said. "I'm sorry Cody, I wasn't thinking straight. I was half asleep, and Owen was being annoying!" Cody cut him off and smiled. "Noah, it's okay. I forgive you," he said confidently. He still wasn't looking at Noah's face, but he could sense Noah's embarrassment and awkwardness. "Thank you!" Noah said, slightly relieved. "I'm glad you're not mad at me. I really didn't mean for that to happen." Cody nodded but still refused to look at Noah's face. "It's okay," he repeated. "We were all half asleep, and I know you didn't mean for it to happen." "Well, thanks," Noah said. "Um, is everything going to be okay between us? I don't want things to be awkward now." Suddenly, Emma called out to Noah from afar. "Noah! Sorry, Cody, I got to go now, Emma's calling me. Bye!" Cody looked confused. He had no idea what Emma could possibly want with Noah right now. He was left alone for a few minutes before Kitty and Justin came in. "Omg, me and Justin and Emma saw how awkward it was and had to help!" Kitty said to Cody. Cody couldn't help but smile. "Thanks, Kitty. I appreciate it." Justin laughed. "So Cody, how's the boyfriend? What's his name again, Noah?" Cody felt his face go hot. "He's not my boyfriend, Justin, and we're just really awkward with each other right now. It's a total disaster!" Justin laughed again. "Well, I'm sure it's nothing that some time and talking won't fix, right?" Cody nodded. He hoped that Justin was right. He didn't want to be in a total disaster with Noah, and he hoped they could fix things soon. Kitty looked at Cody expectantly. "Anyways, when are you gonna confess your dying feelings for him, girl?" Cody looked embarrassed and shook his head. "Probably never," he said. "I can't just live my life hiding my feelings." Justin nodded enthusiastically. "You can't just hide your feelings forever. You have to tell Noah how you feel!" "Right, but he thinks it was a mistake now. He probably doesn't even like me," Cody said. "It would be so awkward!"  "So, Justin, you can't really say anything, can you? You have the fattest crush on Trent and you don't think we haven't guessed?" Cody teased. "Wait!" Justin protested. "How did you find out! I never said anything about having a crush on Trent." "Oh, please," Cody said playfully. "We can see the way you look at him and you're always trying to hold his hand during band practice. We're not blind!" Kitty laughed and nodded in agreement. Kitty and Justin continued talking about their boy problems, while Cody kept thinking about his own situation with Noah. He was still wondering if he should confess his feelings to Noah or just try to move on. He had so many mixed emotions and conflicting thoughts. On one hand, he didn't want to keep hiding his feelings for Noah. On the other, he was worried that telling Noah the truth could completely ruin the friendship that they had. He wasn't sure what to do.

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