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"Ok, fine! I... I like Noah!" Cody finally said. Everyone was startled and surprised by Cody's confession. "You like Noah? Really?!" asked Gwen, sounding impressed. "You like him too?" Leshawna asked. "Whoa, Cody, I never would've guessed you liked him like that!" said Heather, with an excited look on her face. It seemed like Cody's secret was out and everyone had just learned that he had feelings for Noah. But now everyone was eager to see how Noah would react to Cody's confession. While everyone was asking Cody questions, Bridgette, Leshawna, Heather, and Gwen went away from the group and started talking. They all knew that Noah liked Cody back, and they were excited for this moment. "Oh my god, Cody actually did it! And Noah likes him back! This is so good!" said Bridgette. "Yeah, I'm so proud of Cody!" added Leshawna. "I can't believe it either! It's amazing!" said Gwen. "NoahxCody is gonna be so cute!" Heather said lovingly.  The girls went back to the group, and they all started making a plan. They were thinking hard, and finally, Justin, Kitty, and Izzy had an idea. They decided that Cody would write a letter to Noah saying to meet at the lake where they originally became friends again. This was a perfect way to finally confess to Noah, and they knew that he would show up if it was a special place for them. Their plan was finally in place, and they were ready to help Cody confess to Noah. Cody had help from Courtney, Emma, Justin, and Kitty to write the letter, and when they finally finished, they placed the note inside Noah's dorm on his bed. They were all excited and eager for Noah to see it and respond. The letter was perfectly crafted to convey Cody's feelings and let Noah know how important he was to him. Now all the group had to do was wait for Noah to find the note and respond. They knew that this was a pivotal moment, and they couldn't wait to see how Noah would react. 

My dear Noah,

I know this letter might come as a surprise to you, but I hope you can understand how I... or rather, we have ended up here. I have waited a long time for this moment to come... for us to admit that we have shared a love for a long time. I remember all the times we would meet at the lake, the secrets we shared. You've always been the one person I could trust with anything. I think these memories speak for themselves. That is why I ask you to meet me at the lake once more. I have been longing for you all this time, and I am ready to tell you how I truly feel.

In the afternoon, Noah and Eva were hanging out, trying to get Noah's thoughts off of Cody, but it wasn't working. Noah was trying to focus on the present and avoid thinking about Cody. "Hey, Eva, have you ever been in love?" he asked absentmindedly. "Yes?" Eva responded, confused. "Are you okay, Noah? You seem distracted." Noah nodded, trying to act as if he was fine.
"Yeah, I'm fine, but, uh, have you ever loved someone who was the same gender as you?" Noah asked with growing hesitation and uncertainty. "Oh, Noah, is this about Cody?" Eva asked, sensing Noah's distress. "Yes," Noah responded solemnly with tears in his eyes. "Well," Eva said in a comforting tone, "I've liked someone the same gender as me before, but it didn't end well, and I don't want you to experience that." She put a hand on Noah's shoulder in support and encouragement. "Trust me, I know what you're going through. But you shouldn't be ashamed of what you're feeling. It's okay to love someone of the same gender." "Eva, do you like girls?" Noah asked, wondering if Eva could relate to his feelings for Cody. "Noah, was that not obvious? I'm a lesbian!" Eva replied with a laugh, feeling a little embarrassed. "Of course, I do! But I thought it was obvious," she added with a playful shrug. "I guess not," Noah said sheepishly. "Well, regardless, it doesn't change the fact that I'm here for you," Eva reassured him. She put a hand on Noah's shoulder and smiled gently, letting him know she was there to support him no matter what.

"Hey, Eva! Are you okay?" Heather asked when Noah had left to go back to his dorm. "I know we haven't talked much, but thank you so much for your help," she continued.
"No problem, Heather," Eva replied with a smile. She was glad she could be of support to Noah during this difficult time. She hoped he would feel safe and accepted, no matter what he decided to do with his feelings for Cody. When Noah found the letter on his bed, he was puzzled and confused. Who would like someone like him? Noah read the letter multiple times to make sure he understood it correctly. Who was he? Who could possibly be the anonymous sender? And the question: "Do you love someone the same gender as you?" had caught his attention. He couldn't figure out who it was from, but he needed to tell someone. He quickly picked up his phone and texted Justin. Justin soon came rushing to Noah's dorm room, and they both looked at the letter together. Who could have sent it?  Justin's eyes widened as he read the letter. He already had an idea of who the sender was, and he was right. It was Cody. He knew this was part of the plan, but he didn't want Noah to know. "Noah, you have to go to the lake!" Justin urged, but Noah was still confused. "But why? Who sent me the letter?" "It doesn't matter. Just go to the lake. Cody wants to meet you there. Don't ask any more questions," Justin said firmly. "Codys is there!" Noah screamed, and Justin realised what he just said. He wasn't supposed to say Cody. Justin's mind was racing as he tried to think of what to say next. "Look, Noah, you just have to go to the lake," Justin said quickly, desperate to cover his mistake. "Don't you want to see who sent you the letter? Don't question it. Just meet them there, and it will all make sense." "Justin! I'm not going! Please just leave!" Noah screamed, and Justin didn't know what to do. He ran back to Courtney, Izzy, Kitty, Bridgette, and Emma to tell them what he had done wrong. "Oh my god, Justin! You told Noah it was Cody!" Bridgette said, sounding frustrated. "We were all counting on him going to the lake to talk to Cody in person!" "I know, but what could I do? I had no choice," Justin said, feeling disappointed in himself.

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